Monday, August 4, 2008

Sailing sailing over the lake so blueish....

WHAT a fabulous day...sailed, the kids and my folks swam in the (very) cold lake. Read 18 degrees at the surface...much colder lower down.

Many years ago, I embraced and came to love my inner wimp when it relates to cold water swims. I did not go in.

Gosh I adore sailing; and reading my kids stories at night which I also managed to pull off. 2 for 2.

Starting a new book that I have been dying to read, Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. He was and I guess is a climber who was in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and decided that he could not simply walk through the area and walk away.
Since a 1993 climb on Pakistan's K2, he has dedicated his life to promote community-based education and literacy programs, especially for girls, in remote mountain regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan

Looking forward to the book. I certainly like what he has been up to.

Finished up the the 100 mile diet which was excellent and thought provoking...and I am in the middle of From Me to We, which is a re-read and well worth nice to get my hands on books that I really want to nice.

No movies today...people and activity. Youngest swam twice even. That girl just loves to be running around.

New camp starts tomorrow, this should be excellent except for the 6:15 start to the morning. *groan*

The man will be here soon soon soon, but not soon enough.

tick tock tick tock tick tock.....


Anonymous said...

SO HAPPY to see you relaxed and purring! GM

elPadawan said...

funny that you write about sailing on the very day where I first tried canoeing :).

mmichele said...

i can't imagine not having any book at my fingertips... in English!

enjoy your reading. two i've heard of, three cups of tea i think i will look up.

oreneta said...

GM, Yes indeed!

elPadawan, you tried canoeing today Did you swim?

mmichele, No opinion on three cups of tea yet, I've just started...

Hula Girl at Heart said...

It all sounds perfectly lovely...and hopefully, not as hot as it is here. 110 heat index. Whew!

kate said...

Ooh, summer reading! Love it!

oreneta said...

Hula, you and my husband should talk, they are up around 35 or 38, and where he works is hotter still inside....brutal. He says he is getting used to it, but wakes up every hour to turn his pillow over it si so wet. UGh.

Kate...summer reading is the best...are you getting any done at all right now with all the boys and school?

Anonymous said...

I loved that book, Three Cups of Tea, and admire Greg Mortensen for what he is doing.

I'll have to look at the other books. Thanks for the suggestions.

Anonymous said...

I failed prebeginners in swimming because we did lessons in the lake and it was beginning of June and it was cold that day and I just couldn't put my head under water. That was the beginning of the end; I never learnt to swim.