Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Chuck has started barking at other people more of late. Not entirely sure why, but I DON'T like it. We will be taking some action, and working to stop this behaviour.

Been reading up on line about it. What a jumble of conflicting views.

We're not at the stage where it is a real problem, but I don't want it to increase, and I certainly want it to GO AWAY.

Anyone out there had any success on this front?

I'd love to hear anything that worked.

.....ho hum....the spell checker seems to be working in Spanish. Seems that nearly every word is wrong.


Anonymous said...

Our foster dog Frodo barks at people, which is good until we let them in, then it is annoying. We haven't found a solution. He does eventually adapt.

Boo and Trev said...

Water pistol. If he does it squirt him and shout leave or stop or something catalan. He should learn pretty quickly and it won't hurt him.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

No success here, but if you figure out a cure, let me know. Our dog hates the UPS man...and the pizza delivery person...and well, just about every service person who lands on our block.

Helen said...

A variant on the water pistol is a collar which you can make squirt water into his face, and you aren't then actually squirting him. However the water pistol or a bottle with a hole in the cap is much cheaper.

oreneta said...

Dawn, sounds a little trying....

Boo and Trev...we have been following up with him, giving him form no's everytime he barks, it seems to be working, though he seems kind of depressed....waterpistols freak him RIGHT out.

Hula, try motos, all men with sticks/canes, any man who approaches me fast, all cats, some dogs....

Helen....I read somewhere a can with some pennies in it to make a surprising noise, but I can see me being more detered than the dog by that.

Anonymous said...

Hey you get to come here, and speak ENGLISH for an entire week!!