THERE SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Dad went out and tucked her in for the winter on Saturday...and sent us photos...most are embarassingly messy and mildew-y...but there she long as that building with a great big crack in it doesn't fall on her, all will be well.
How great is that!
Another great thing?!?!
I am going to get to go and hang out with Nomad and her kids in a week and a bit! I'll be doing a babysitting gig for most of the week...with youngest in tow! SWEET!!
Did you know that a babysitter in Catalan in un/a cangur, as in a kangaroo!??? Now you do...just a little information from Oreneta-land...
Yea!!! Doesn't that make your spirits soar?
"Oreneta" looks wonderful!!
Canguro is also used in Spanish for babysitter, I don't know which expression came first, lol so so so does....youngest asked today at dinner about how long it would be till summer. A long long time.
Mar, thank you very much..she is tiny but she is wonderful. Cangur? I am sure that both the Catalans and the Spanish would claim it as theirs first...probably it came from Spanish though. More words go that way than Catalan to Spanish...
Congratulations. I am glad you got her back to Canada, safe and sound and you can visit her.
Dawn, so am I indeed!
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