This is what you're looking for, always a good place to start...
That big prickly looking thorny mess is what an asparagus plant looks like around here. For some reason I haven't spent time figuring out yet, they are often at the base of trees....
You search around for where they are emerging from the ground, which is not always clear, and then look in amongst the bases for one of these:
That one's too small to keep....some of them grow off at a distance from the main plant, so you want to look around for these pioneering loners, and some of them are still good, but quite tall, so you have to let your eyes wander up as well.
What is important also is that you take a goofy dog along with you, so he can pick up ticks and roll around ecstatically in the grass.
Then go home and eat...though they are actually quite good as is, and surprisingly liquidy when you pick them.
I think I LOVE Chuck even though I'm a cat person! Asparagus sounds good for dinner. I have some frozen. I'm guessing the won't be as yummy as yours so I'll pretend!
Asparagus is one of the few vegetables that I enjoy eating and one of the few that J.G. would rather do without.
Mmmm una bona truita d'espàrrecs.
Nice blog!
I love asparagus, and the idea of being able to pick it up wild like blackberries is just great. Chck looks like he is having a great time in that picture - let's roll!
That's a refreshing post, after all the scholar insanity you've been going through recently...
She, I was a cat person to...till I met Chuck...he'll do that.
CS, that sounds, um, awkward.
Dan, gràcies, tens una recepta? He fet una truita, però potser saps una que seria millor....
Helen, I am kind of amazed that I can walk out and pick it too! The blackberries here are in Aug...I haven't been here for it yet.
elP...and about time too. *gasp*
Give Chuck a hug from me and Rex!
I think it is way cool that you can hunt for wild asparagus!! I love where you love!
Thanks for the "tips" - so to speak.
On my next great adventure - perhaps a search for asparagus in the hills of Barcelona?
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