Friday, October 22, 2010

There was something I was thinking of....

I have been reading AS Byatt's Possession seemingly forever.  I started it before the summer, got about a third of the way in and gave up, finding the characters SO dislikable.

Picked it up again recently, and I am doing better with it.  While I would hardly call it a page-turner, I am making some headway.  Sort-of kind-of.

We'll see.  More than half-way now.

Thought of something brilliant to blog about earlier today.  Nothing happening now.  I think it's probably a sign.

Good night all, more tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

wow to black with orange and black scattered lines. cool and very interesting. Love how you are following and developing your ideas. Great to watch this progression. v cool. Would love birds eye view into your process...
x nomad

Kim said...

Ha! Maybe that book sucked the idea out of your brain. I have had that happen - without meaning to disparage the book you are reading or the author because she has written some fine stuff. many great books, so little time...

Mother Theresa said...

I don't know if it's the right way to go or not, but ages ago I decided that if I was bored after giving a book a chance, I wouldn't waste my time on it. There are so many others waiting. Still, there's something to be said for perseverance. :)

J.G. said...

I read that, but it's a big zero in my mind. Still, you know I'm a finisher so you have my support as you slog on.

Love the new direction of the art. Very interesting!

oreneta said...

Nomad, thank you so much! Today's post is my attempt at a bird's eye view...

Kim, I know, I often bail, but there is a compelling thread to it, the layering of the characters one over the other, always in pairs struggling with each other for space has it's compulsion. The characters are getting less, for lack of a better word, wet, or reactive than they were and it is more interesting as a result. Still.....see how we go.

Mother T, I know what you mean, and there are many books I have bailed on...this one is still hanging in there, though only just.

JG. OH NO!!! all this and you're giving it the two thumbs down???? AHHHHH. At least you're supporting me in the slog. It isn't too bad so far, hope it doesn't run down-hill though. The main characters are finally taking a proactive response to their respective obsessions, though I find their constant harping for freedom from possessions while simultaneously being so possessive of the material rather overly human and frustrating. There is a lot of material here, I won't deny it, and it can give a lot to consider. Still. All bran has a lot to chew over as well, and is supposed to be most good for you. Not my favourite snack ever though.

Possession, the All bran of the reading world. Can't imagine Byatt would put that on the back for a quote, would you?

Helen said...

You got further than me - I gave up after about 3 chapters

oreneta said...

There you go Helen, and now I've finished it. It is so terribly claustrophobic, but I am glad I read it in the end, it was a mix of simple and incredibly complex, there are moments later when the characters find a little air to breathe and it becomes more readable then. I am not sure we needed so much 'primary source material' provided though, even if it does authenticate the academic approach.