Youngest has been struggling with her Spanish teacher, who seems to think that she is actually employed to teach calligraphy, or maybe penmanship would be the better word.
Every so often, the kids here have to hand in what is called a 'dossier' which is all of the homework activities they have done for the unit. They get graded on it. Youngest's most recent one, for the new Spanish teacher, failed. You see, despite the fact that every activity had been done, and done correctly, her handwriting wasn't super tidy - though utterly readable - she had crossed some things out, an absolute sin here, and she hadn't used a ruler to draw some of the lines.
Content? Learning? Completed work? Apparently that counts for less than half the mark, and how pretty it is counts for more than half.
Youngest has spent HOURS rewriting the next one to hand in, instead of studying for a test that she has, and indeed, instead of going to a Schostakovitch concert in BCN that we had tickets too.
Now, educationally speaking, do you really think this was the best possible use of her time?
Me neither.
La Petita ha estat discutint amb la seva professora de castellà qui evidentment pensar que la Generalitat la pagar per ensenyar bona presentació i lletra no pas castellà.
A vegades aquí , els alumnes han de entregar un dossier de les activitats que havien acabat. Els mestres posen notes. L'ultima de la Petita per la nova professora de castellà va suspendre. Mira, és així, malgrat que hagi acabat cada activitat i que hagi fet tot bé i correcte, la seva lletra no era impecable - encara que ho podria llegir sense dificultat - i va tatxar algunes línes, un pecat molt greu aquí, i no va utlitzar una regle per unes línies.
Continguts? Coses que va aprendre? Treball completat? La professora ha deixat molt clar que ho compte per menys de 50% de la nota. Com maca ho és, això val per més que 50%.
La Petita ha passat HORES passant net la següent dossier en lloc d'estudiar per un examen que té demà i millor encara, en lloc d'anar a un concert en Barcelona d'en Xostacóvitx per a que teniem entrades.
Ara, per temes educatives, penses que ha estat al millor possible utilització del seus temps?
Jo tampoc.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
no time, no tinc temps
I am constantly hearing people talking about not having enough time. That they don't have time, no time even to breathe.
Know what? It's getting on my nerves.
We all have exactly the same amount of time in a day. Exactly the same amount.
What we have to do is make a conscious decision to choose how to spend it, then DO that, stop sweating the stuff we cannot do. Think, choose, do and enjoy the doing without winging about what we've chosen not to do.
Constantment sento veins, amics, companys queixant-se que no tenen temps, que no tenen temps ni per respirar.
Saps què? M'estan posant nerviosa.
Tothom té exactament el mateix numero de minutes, segons o hores en un dia. Exactament el mateix.
Què hem de fer és prendre un decisió sobre com volem gastar aquests preciós segons i minutes i hores, i ho FAREM, deixar de preocupar-nos amb el que no podem fer; rumiem, escollim, ho fem i desfruitem el que estem fent sense queixant del que hem decidit de no fer.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
notes to self....una carta a mi mateixa
When riding to work in the rain, there are pros and cons. Pros, almost no one out on the bike path...yeehaw!
Cons, till I get mud guards, must remember to bring spare everything including undies to work.
Quan vaig a treballar per bicicleta i plou, hi han coses bones i coses dolentes. Les bones? Quasi ningú en les rutes.....YEAAAHH!!!
En contra, fins que tingui 'mud guards', haig de recordar de portar un recanvi de tot...calces inclòs.
Cons, till I get mud guards, must remember to bring spare everything including undies to work.
Quan vaig a treballar per bicicleta i plou, hi han coses bones i coses dolentes. Les bones? Quasi ningú en les rutes.....YEAAAHH!!!
En contra, fins que tingui 'mud guards', haig de recordar de portar un recanvi de tot...calces inclòs.
Monday, November 26, 2012
20K trail race, una cursa de 20K de trail
Yesterday we went to the local theatre for a performace, the Man, Youngest and I, it was good fun, as expected, and we had a lovely time. During the intermission, I ran into a woman who I went walking with last year, a friend of a friend more or less, who invited me to go running with her and her buddies on Saturday mornings, they go for 2 or 3 hours! on trail in the mountains.
I said, sure, as it is near the village so if I crap our I can bail and go home, no problem. Then she invited me to do a 20K trail race with them in two weeks. Being me - kind of stupid when it comes to challenges - I said yes.
The Man shook his head at me.
So it behove me to get my butt out there this morning and see what I had in me. Not bad in fact, I was pretty happy, I think I'll survive this 20K...again working on the theory that if I can walk it, I can run it, it's just a question of percentages.
I did 12.5 K this morning, with 500m (1640 ft) of elevation in 1:45. Finished strong and feeling good. I could have gone further without pushing things much in fact.
That was a pleasant discovery. Especially as I truly have no time to train and I have signed up for what is essentially a trail half-marathon.
Stupid, maybe, but it'll be in a beautiful spot and I'm going with my usual goals, don't break anything, don't come last.
Never dull.
Ahir vam anar al teatre aquí poble per veure una vam desfruitar. Durant la intermissió vaig trobar una dona qui està l'amiga d'un amic. Vam anar a caminar en la primavera i em va convidar d'anar a córrer amb ella i uns dels seus amics dissabtes al matí, van per un dos o tres hores! en la muntanya sobre camirols.
Vaig dir que sí, clar, van a prop del poble llavors si no puc aguantar, tornaré a casa, cap problema. Aleshores, em va convidar d'anar a fer una cursa de 20K de trail en dues setmanes. Que sóc jo - una mica estúpida a davant d'una repta - deia que sí.
L'Home em va mirar com si fos ruca.
Llavors, em toca d'anar a córrer aquest matí i mira que pugui fer. No ha anat gens malament, estic força contenta. Em sembla que sobreviuré aquests 20 quilòmetres, amb la meva idea normal que si puc caminar la distancia, puc córrer-la, depèn de les percentatges.
Aquest matí he fet 12.5 kilòmetres amb 500 m de desnivell en 1:45. He acabat forta i em sentia bé. Podia hagut anat més sense dificultats.
Me n'alegro molt saber això. Especialment perquè no tinc temps per entrenar-me i la cursa és, més o menys, un mig-marató de trail.
Estupidissim, però ho faran en un lloc preciós i aniré amb les meves objectius normals, que no trenqui res i no acabi l'ultima.
no m'avorreixo.
I said, sure, as it is near the village so if I crap our I can bail and go home, no problem. Then she invited me to do a 20K trail race with them in two weeks. Being me - kind of stupid when it comes to challenges - I said yes.
The Man shook his head at me.
So it behove me to get my butt out there this morning and see what I had in me. Not bad in fact, I was pretty happy, I think I'll survive this 20K...again working on the theory that if I can walk it, I can run it, it's just a question of percentages.
I did 12.5 K this morning, with 500m (1640 ft) of elevation in 1:45. Finished strong and feeling good. I could have gone further without pushing things much in fact.
That was a pleasant discovery. Especially as I truly have no time to train and I have signed up for what is essentially a trail half-marathon.
Stupid, maybe, but it'll be in a beautiful spot and I'm going with my usual goals, don't break anything, don't come last.
Never dull.
Ahir vam anar al teatre aquí poble per veure una vam desfruitar. Durant la intermissió vaig trobar una dona qui està l'amiga d'un amic. Vam anar a caminar en la primavera i em va convidar d'anar a córrer amb ella i uns dels seus amics dissabtes al matí, van per un dos o tres hores! en la muntanya sobre camirols.
Vaig dir que sí, clar, van a prop del poble llavors si no puc aguantar, tornaré a casa, cap problema. Aleshores, em va convidar d'anar a fer una cursa de 20K de trail en dues setmanes. Que sóc jo - una mica estúpida a davant d'una repta - deia que sí.
L'Home em va mirar com si fos ruca.
Llavors, em toca d'anar a córrer aquest matí i mira que pugui fer. No ha anat gens malament, estic força contenta. Em sembla que sobreviuré aquests 20 quilòmetres, amb la meva idea normal que si puc caminar la distancia, puc córrer-la, depèn de les percentatges.
Aquest matí he fet 12.5 kilòmetres amb 500 m de desnivell en 1:45. He acabat forta i em sentia bé. Podia hagut anat més sense dificultats.
Me n'alegro molt saber això. Especialment perquè no tinc temps per entrenar-me i la cursa és, més o menys, un mig-marató de trail.
Estupidissim, però ho faran en un lloc preciós i aniré amb les meves objectius normals, que no trenqui res i no acabi l'ultima.
no m'avorreixo.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Election day, dia de les eleccions
Not all the numbers are in, but it is looking like the various independentist parties are getting about two thirds of the vote.
Let the games begin!
Oh, and Barça just won 4-0
Let the games begin!
Oh, and Barça just won 4-0
Election day, dia de les eleccions
Fins ara, un matí molt tranquil. Et diré més, més tard.
All quiet so far, updates to come.
All quiet so far, updates to come.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The Man, Youngest and I went off to see Skyfall today, in ENGLISH in BCN.
Well that was worth the hassle, what little hassle it was! What a beautiful day!!!
We had thought to go to Arts Santa Monica on las Rambles, which I adore, but whose hours I abhore. They open at 11am. Pain. in . the. butt.
So, we didn't go, then we walked down to the port and wandered along that part of town, some of which I'd never seen before. Took us a while to find the theatre, which was in a mall, in a building like any other building, and was frankly rather uninspiring. The movie however, was. simply. brilliant fun.
Adored it.
Highly recommend it to anyone who'd like to consider a flick for a time out. Fabulous in every way, and Daniel Craig? He was pretty cool too. Great Bond. A little more battered. Excellent.
Then a wander along the beach, checking things out, lovely down there and home we came. Fabulous day.
Well that was worth the hassle, what little hassle it was! What a beautiful day!!!
We had thought to go to Arts Santa Monica on las Rambles, which I adore, but whose hours I abhore. They open at 11am. Pain. in . the. butt.
So, we didn't go, then we walked down to the port and wandered along that part of town, some of which I'd never seen before. Took us a while to find the theatre, which was in a mall, in a building like any other building, and was frankly rather uninspiring. The movie however, was. simply. brilliant fun.
Adored it.
Highly recommend it to anyone who'd like to consider a flick for a time out. Fabulous in every way, and Daniel Craig? He was pretty cool too. Great Bond. A little more battered. Excellent.
Then a wander along the beach, checking things out, lovely down there and home we came. Fabulous day.
Friday, November 23, 2012
horari? Schedule?
My normal blog writing time is now often spent prepping classes for the next day or talking with Eldest on Skype. Must find another system, things seem a little flat over here, and I'm getting frustrated with not being able to get the writing in.
Working on it!
Working on it!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Two things, dos coses
One, I miss running, I am now SO BUSY, it is all I can do to get two runs in a week, and know what? It's bugging me. Things must be rescheduled!
The other thing, I now forget. D*MN I hate it when that happens.
*staring idly at the ceiling waiting for the thought to return*
still not getting there.
I am going to have to make running a priority and schedule it in like going to work. Making it to the mountains is going to have to have this happen as well, as I am not making it there as often as I need to.
With the situation here in Spain what it is, and here in Catalunya as well, I found myself having a conversation with the man in which I stopped him from telling me some horrid bit of news from Girona by telling him that I work very hard to maintain my optimism, and you know what? It's true.
Many many people here are doing it, there is not really any other way.
It is interesting the process of maintaining optimism. For me, it involves exercises, trying very hard to get enough sleep (still a struggle d*mn it) and time spent outdoors. Honestly outside. Sunshine and longer views. Makes all the difference in the world for me.
Boil it down? Exercise, sleep, good food, a little chocolate from time to time, a good cuppa every day, family, friends and sunshine. Oh, and I basically never read the news. The Man is my filter and makes sure I know everything I need to.
Still haven't come up with that second item. And I must sleep soon.
Then again, I have talked about a second thing, optimism, just not the one I was aiming at.
Then I got caught up looking at old I'll just push publish at this point and call it a night.
The other thing, I now forget. D*MN I hate it when that happens.
*staring idly at the ceiling waiting for the thought to return*
still not getting there.
I am going to have to make running a priority and schedule it in like going to work. Making it to the mountains is going to have to have this happen as well, as I am not making it there as often as I need to.
With the situation here in Spain what it is, and here in Catalunya as well, I found myself having a conversation with the man in which I stopped him from telling me some horrid bit of news from Girona by telling him that I work very hard to maintain my optimism, and you know what? It's true.
Many many people here are doing it, there is not really any other way.
It is interesting the process of maintaining optimism. For me, it involves exercises, trying very hard to get enough sleep (still a struggle d*mn it) and time spent outdoors. Honestly outside. Sunshine and longer views. Makes all the difference in the world for me.
Boil it down? Exercise, sleep, good food, a little chocolate from time to time, a good cuppa every day, family, friends and sunshine. Oh, and I basically never read the news. The Man is my filter and makes sure I know everything I need to.
Still haven't come up with that second item. And I must sleep soon.
Then again, I have talked about a second thing, optimism, just not the one I was aiming at.
Then I got caught up looking at old I'll just push publish at this point and call it a night.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
keeping my eye on the conec un idiom igual
I'm working on keeping focused on all the precious moments that we get.
Some days it's work though, isn't it.
Some day's not....Eldest made the honour roll, first term in the school and country.
Intento, sempre, recordar de notar els moments preciosos que tenim cada dia.
Però n'hi ha dies que manen més esforç, no?
Altres? no tant....Les notes de la Gran aquest trimestre la han posat al 'honour roll'. Vol dir la llista d'alumnes amb els millors notes del cole!
Some days it's work though, isn't it.
Some day's not....Eldest made the honour roll, first term in the school and country.
Intento, sempre, recordar de notar els moments preciosos que tenim cada dia.
Però n'hi ha dies que manen més esforç, no?
Altres? no tant....Les notes de la Gran aquest trimestre la han posat al 'honour roll'. Vol dir la llista d'alumnes amb els millors notes del cole!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
hunting days, les dies de caçar
Hunting day here was, as far as I know, Thursday and Sunday, so when I went out on Saturday and found the hills alive with men in camo with dogs and rifles, my excitement
I went down to the police and asked about this, after logging the fastest final ascent and descent possibly ever. Nothing like rage for kicking a sad sack kind of run into a different gear altogether.
Turns out, they can hunt wild boar on Thursdays and Saturdays, and smaller stuff on Sundays. Where that leaves the other 99% of the population, many of whom would like to go to the mountains on the weekends, I am simply not sure.
What freaking genius came up with THAT idea.
Els dies de caçar, pensava, eren dijous i diumenge, llavors, quan vaig anar dissabte a la muntanya i hi vaig trobar reventat amb senglaristes vestits en camuflatge, amb gossos, rifles i em vaig trobar molt il·lusionada.
Vaig baixar a parlar amb les policies, i per anar-hi vaig córrer un ascens i un descens més ràpid que mai. La ràbia pot transformar una sortida.....anava en plan patètic i em va canviar les marxes i més!
Resulta que, poden anar a caçar porcs senglars els dijous i dissabtes i també poden anar a caçar animals petits els diumenges. L'altre 99% de la població, del qual molts volen anar a les muntanyes als caps de setmanes, estan deixats, per a molt, deixat orfe per oportunitats amb seguritat.
Quin geni impressionant va prendre aquesta decisió!
I went down to the police and asked about this, after logging the fastest final ascent and descent possibly ever. Nothing like rage for kicking a sad sack kind of run into a different gear altogether.
Turns out, they can hunt wild boar on Thursdays and Saturdays, and smaller stuff on Sundays. Where that leaves the other 99% of the population, many of whom would like to go to the mountains on the weekends, I am simply not sure.
What freaking genius came up with THAT idea.
Els dies de caçar, pensava, eren dijous i diumenge, llavors, quan vaig anar dissabte a la muntanya i hi vaig trobar reventat amb senglaristes vestits en camuflatge, amb gossos, rifles i em vaig trobar molt il·lusionada.
Vaig baixar a parlar amb les policies, i per anar-hi vaig córrer un ascens i un descens més ràpid que mai. La ràbia pot transformar una sortida.....anava en plan patètic i em va canviar les marxes i més!
Resulta que, poden anar a caçar porcs senglars els dijous i dissabtes i també poden anar a caçar animals petits els diumenges. L'altre 99% de la població, del qual molts volen anar a les muntanyes als caps de setmanes, estan deixats, per a molt, deixat orfe per oportunitats amb seguritat.
Quin geni impressionant va prendre aquesta decisió!
Monday, November 19, 2012
restless, uneasy....inquiet
I went to bed last night, then ended up making the Man worry, I woke up a little while later disoriented, and couldn't find him, ended up calling for him, making him come up wondering what was wrong. I must have been dreaming...never done that before.
Then woke up very early this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep, I was feeling, well, restless and uneasy....if not sad. Went up to paint. That helped a whole lot, and listened to fast upbeat hard base line rock music on the iPod.
Finally the sun came up, I stepped out on the terrace and felt instantly better. Maybe this is why I love Spain, and the Bahamas....sunshine.
Went running with the tunes, never done that before, it was weird not being able to hear my feet nor my breathing so clearly, and as I was feeling so restless, I flew along, really pushing it, but having a lot of fun at the same time.
Came home, put the same loud loud rock music on the stereo...praying the neighbour would forgive me, and by the time I was done with that, I was in a much better frame of mind.
Ahhhhhhh, the day had turned around, for the better.
Vaig anar a dormir ahir a la nit i al final vaig espantar l'Home. Em vaig despertar desprès d'una estona molt desorientada, no el vaig poder trobar i començava de cridar el seu nom. Evidentment, va pujar preguntant que m'havia passat. Em sembla que havia somiat molt estranyament. No ho he fet mai.
Llavors, m'he despertat molt aviat aquest matí, i no he pogut tornar a dormir i a sobre, m'he trobat molt inquieta si no trista. He pujat cal a l'alter per anar a pintar. M'ho ha ajudat molt i mentre pintava, estava escoltant música, música de rock amb l'iPod.
Finalment, el sol ha sortit, he pujat al terrat i instantàniament m'he trobat molt millor. Potser és up part perquè m'encanta viure aquí a Catalunya, i també als Bahamas. El sol.
He anat a córrer amb la música, que no ho he fet mai abans, una mica estrany, no podia sentir no els meus passos ni el meu alè, i que m'he trobat tant inquiet he anat volant, manant molt de mi mateixa però a l'hora era molt divertit.
He tornat a casa, he posat la mateixa música molt molt alt, pregant que la meva veïna, qui m'encanta, em perdonaria i quan he acabat amb tot això, m'he trobat molt millor.
Ahhh, la dia ha canviat a tenir una pinta molt millor.
Then woke up very early this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep, I was feeling, well, restless and uneasy....if not sad. Went up to paint. That helped a whole lot, and listened to fast upbeat hard base line rock music on the iPod.
Finally the sun came up, I stepped out on the terrace and felt instantly better. Maybe this is why I love Spain, and the Bahamas....sunshine.
Went running with the tunes, never done that before, it was weird not being able to hear my feet nor my breathing so clearly, and as I was feeling so restless, I flew along, really pushing it, but having a lot of fun at the same time.
Came home, put the same loud loud rock music on the stereo...praying the neighbour would forgive me, and by the time I was done with that, I was in a much better frame of mind.
Ahhhhhhh, the day had turned around, for the better.
Vaig anar a dormir ahir a la nit i al final vaig espantar l'Home. Em vaig despertar desprès d'una estona molt desorientada, no el vaig poder trobar i començava de cridar el seu nom. Evidentment, va pujar preguntant que m'havia passat. Em sembla que havia somiat molt estranyament. No ho he fet mai.
Llavors, m'he despertat molt aviat aquest matí, i no he pogut tornar a dormir i a sobre, m'he trobat molt inquieta si no trista. He pujat cal a l'alter per anar a pintar. M'ho ha ajudat molt i mentre pintava, estava escoltant música, música de rock amb l'iPod.
Finalment, el sol ha sortit, he pujat al terrat i instantàniament m'he trobat molt millor. Potser és up part perquè m'encanta viure aquí a Catalunya, i també als Bahamas. El sol.
He anat a córrer amb la música, que no ho he fet mai abans, una mica estrany, no podia sentir no els meus passos ni el meu alè, i que m'he trobat tant inquiet he anat volant, manant molt de mi mateixa però a l'hora era molt divertit.
He tornat a casa, he posat la mateixa música molt molt alt, pregant que la meva veïna, qui m'encanta, em perdonaria i quan he acabat amb tot això, m'he trobat molt millor.
Ahhh, la dia ha canviat a tenir una pinta molt millor.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
18 people fed, menjar donat a 18 persones.
Turkey was good, the squash didn't cook in time, so we have lots, pies were excellent.....and I think people generally had a good time.
El gall d'indi ha sortit bé, la carbassa trigava massa de temps per ser cuit, llavors ho hem deixat, els pastissos han estat excel·lents i em semble que tot ha passat força bé per tothom.
Espero! I hope so!
El gall d'indi ha sortit bé, la carbassa trigava massa de temps per ser cuit, llavors ho hem deixat, els pastissos han estat excel·lents i em semble que tot ha passat força bé per tothom.
Espero! I hope so!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
today, tomorrow: avui, demà
Taught for three hours
Walked with youngest for four
Showered for fifteen minutes
Hung out and organised for more
Cooking for hours
Eating to excess
Chatting for a long long time
then bed for a rest.
Bring it on!!!
He ensenyat per tres hores
He caminat amb la Petita per quatre
M'he dutxat per quinze minutes
He passat temps a casa per més
Cuinant per hores
Menjant fins que no puguem més
Xerrant per molt de temps i bons
i llavors, descans per la resta
Taught for three hours
Walked with youngest for four
Showered for fifteen minutes
Hung out and organised for more
Cooking for hours
Eating to excess
Chatting for a long long time
then bed for a rest.
Bring it on!!!
He ensenyat per tres hores
He caminat amb la Petita per quatre
M'he dutxat per quinze minutes
He passat temps a casa per més
Cuinant per hores
Menjant fins que no puguem més
Xerrant per molt de temps i bons
i llavors, descans per la resta
Friday, November 16, 2012
I seem destined to spend my working life without a computer to work on, and if I get one, it is a crappy piece of garbage that goes slower than I type. But I have to get the work done. May I mention that in one of those places I am the director of online education, and I don't have a computer I can work at? Hi ho hi ho....
Both in TO and in Spain.
It would be nice if this could be resolved. I am officially frustrated.
I have a decent one at home, but at work? Always a freaking disaster.
Both in TO and in Spain.
It would be nice if this could be resolved. I am officially frustrated.
I have a decent one at home, but at work? Always a freaking disaster.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The other day I was doing an activity with some of the kids I teach in which they had to list things you find in villages. Alongside the usual stores, basketball courts and pharmacies they listed beaches, mountains, forests and castles.
Now, reaffirmed, I know why I like living here.
L'altre dia estava fent activitats amb uns alumnes, van haver de crear una llista de les coses que puguin trobar en un poble. Van pensar dels llocs típics, com botigues, pistes de basquet i farmàcies però també van ficar platges, muntanyes, boscs i castells.
Ara, reafirmat, jo sé perquè m'agrada viure aquí.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I have one hour, tinc una hora
and I have to chose between writing here or painting, and tonight. Painting.
i haig de triar entre escrivint aquí i pintant, i aquesta tarda, pintant.
que vagi bé.
have a good one.
i haig de triar entre escrivint aquí i pintant, i aquesta tarda, pintant.
que vagi bé.
have a good one.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
cultural differences, diferencies cultural
In English, if you are in the middle of nowhere, you are in God's country, cause there is NO ONE around.
In Catalan, to translate, not even God.
Makes me go 'huh'
En anglès, se estigués molt lluny de qualsevol poble o casa o granja i no hi ha ni quatre gats, 'no hi ha ni deu'.
En anglès diuen que estas 'en el país del déu'.
Estrany, no?
In Catalan, to translate, not even God.
Makes me go 'huh'
En anglès, se estigués molt lluny de qualsevol poble o casa o granja i no hi ha ni quatre gats, 'no hi ha ni deu'.
En anglès diuen que estas 'en el país del déu'.
Estrany, no?
Monday, November 12, 2012
Used clothes, roba de segona mà
Here in BCN there is a used clothing store called Humana, and as you might imagine it sells used clothing and is part of a wider ranging charitable organization. The thing is that is extra fantastic about it is just how cool most of the clothing is. Probably two-thirds of my wardrobe has come from there and it is a joy to shop there, kinda like Easter egg hunting. And I don't like shopping. Eldest LOVES the place and Youngest is pretty keen too. Even the man goes there.
In Toronto we have Goodwill. Similar sort of layout, used clothes, charitable organization, but it requires a lot more searching to find anything worth buying. BCN seems to be a more fundamentally stylish place, so the used stuff is also cooler.
As Eldest put it, in Humana, you feel like someone really cool ran out of room in their closet so had to get rid of some of it. Goodwill, feels like someone died in the clothing. Kinda sad.
Aquí BCN hi ha una botiga que es diu Humana. Com pots imaginar, ven roba de segona mà i és un part d'un organització de caritat. El que està fantàstic de Humana és que la roba que venen és molt guia i molt variada. Deu ser dos tercers del roba que tinc ve d'allà i m'agrada anar a comprar allà, està com buscant ous a Pasqua, i no m'agrada anar a comprar. La Gran li hi encanta i la Petita també. Fins i tot l'Home li agrada anar-hi.
En Toronto tenim Goodwill, que se sembla Humana, roba de segona mà, un caritat, però has de passar molt més temps buscant roba que voldria comprar. Em sembla que BCN és fonamentalment més de moda, llavors, el que venen està més interessant.
Com la Gran va dir, quan vagis a Humana, sembla que una persona amb un gust molt interessant no tingués espai en l'armari i per això han d'enviar unes quants peces cap a Humana. A Goodwill - sembla més com algú hagués mort en la roba. Una mica trista.
In Toronto we have Goodwill. Similar sort of layout, used clothes, charitable organization, but it requires a lot more searching to find anything worth buying. BCN seems to be a more fundamentally stylish place, so the used stuff is also cooler.
As Eldest put it, in Humana, you feel like someone really cool ran out of room in their closet so had to get rid of some of it. Goodwill, feels like someone died in the clothing. Kinda sad.
Aquí BCN hi ha una botiga que es diu Humana. Com pots imaginar, ven roba de segona mà i és un part d'un organització de caritat. El que està fantàstic de Humana és que la roba que venen és molt guia i molt variada. Deu ser dos tercers del roba que tinc ve d'allà i m'agrada anar a comprar allà, està com buscant ous a Pasqua, i no m'agrada anar a comprar. La Gran li hi encanta i la Petita també. Fins i tot l'Home li agrada anar-hi.
En Toronto tenim Goodwill, que se sembla Humana, roba de segona mà, un caritat, però has de passar molt més temps buscant roba que voldria comprar. Em sembla que BCN és fonamentalment més de moda, llavors, el que venen està més interessant.
Com la Gran va dir, quan vagis a Humana, sembla que una persona amb un gust molt interessant no tingués espai en l'armari i per això han d'enviar unes quants peces cap a Humana. A Goodwill - sembla més com algú hagués mort en la roba. Una mica trista.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
went walking...he anat a caminar
Found a cool abandoned masia:
and this incredibly cool work space, built like an igloo, but out of stones:
and this bizarre beasty:
a very good day
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
So much...tant
I don't know where to start. I was out early this morning, going off to my language study exchange.....and got there quite early, so ended up riding around the neighbouring town that he lives in. I had never spent all that much time there, but cruising slowly through it on a bike, trying not to run into anything while I crane my neck around looking at all the buildings, was lovely. Gonna have to go back and walk it, with the camera.
Slept a delightful four hours last night, waking at 4 am, I was a wee bit cranky this morning, though I got out of it. Which is good, cause it ain't a lot of fun for anyone.
A slow bike ride on empty streets is a cool way to tour a town.
Slept a delightful four hours last night, waking at 4 am, I was a wee bit cranky this morning, though I got out of it. Which is good, cause it ain't a lot of fun for anyone.
A slow bike ride on empty streets is a cool way to tour a town.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
This week has simply flown by...aquesta setmana m'ha passat volant
Got 8, count them, 8 entire consecutive hours of sleep last night, and was still so sleepy while teaching one class that I had to rest my head in my hand in such a way that my eyes couldn't close.
In a bid for another 8 hours, I am going to keep this short and sweet. I am not sure how we got to nearly Friday, when it frankly feels like Tuesday, but it is all good anyway.
lots of cycling and exercise, lots of work, some study, time with Youngest and the Man, and the dog.....some decent reading in....very little painting, but you can't win them all...and some sleep, so off to try and make that happen again.
He tingut 8, les compteu, 8 hores consecutives de dormir ahir a la nit i encara he tingut tant de son que mentre estava ensenyant avui havia de suportar al meu cap en una manera una mica estrany, però que em deixava mantenir obrir els meus ulls amb els meus dits.
Per intentar de tenir un altre 8 hores, avui escric poc. Jo no sé com hem arribat quasi a divendres, a mi, em sembla més dimarts...però tot va bé.
Aquesta setmana he anat a fer molta exercici, i de bicicleta, 8 hores consecutives de dormir, temps per estudiar, he tingut temps amb l'Home i la Petita, i en Chuck....temps per llegir....molt poc per pintar, però, mira, no pots guanyar tot...i he dormit una mica. Me'n vaig a intentar de fer-ho un altre cop.
In a bid for another 8 hours, I am going to keep this short and sweet. I am not sure how we got to nearly Friday, when it frankly feels like Tuesday, but it is all good anyway.
lots of cycling and exercise, lots of work, some study, time with Youngest and the Man, and the dog.....some decent reading in....very little painting, but you can't win them all...and some sleep, so off to try and make that happen again.
He tingut 8, les compteu, 8 hores consecutives de dormir ahir a la nit i encara he tingut tant de son que mentre estava ensenyant avui havia de suportar al meu cap en una manera una mica estrany, però que em deixava mantenir obrir els meus ulls amb els meus dits.
Per intentar de tenir un altre 8 hores, avui escric poc. Jo no sé com hem arribat quasi a divendres, a mi, em sembla més dimarts...però tot va bé.
Aquesta setmana he anat a fer molta exercici, i de bicicleta, 8 hores consecutives de dormir, temps per estudiar, he tingut temps amb l'Home i la Petita, i en Chuck....temps per llegir....molt poc per pintar, però, mira, no pots guanyar tot...i he dormit una mica. Me'n vaig a intentar de fer-ho un altre cop.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Need I say more?
Actually, yes. Along side that very good news (team rape went DOWN!) here in Spain, the supreme court came down with a decision to uphold gay marriage rights which the ruling PP contested.
Just so you know who we have for leaders here in Spain.
A very good day indeed, though I've frozen my butt off all. day.
Actually, yes. Along side that very good news (team rape went DOWN!) here in Spain, the supreme court came down with a decision to uphold gay marriage rights which the ruling PP contested.
Just so you know who we have for leaders here in Spain.
A very good day indeed, though I've frozen my butt off all. day.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
fitting it all in, trobant temps per tot
It's difficult isn't it.
Things I want to do:
Things I want to do:
- exercise
- paint
- hang with the Man
- hang with Youngest
- Skype with Eldest
- hang with the dog
- hang out with friends
- study Catalan
- go sailing
- ride my bike
- walk in the mountains, with the dog and without
- write blogs
- teach
- sleep longer (every night!), though I'd take just some nights
- there must be more......
It is just hard to make it all fit, no?
És difícil, no?
- fer exercici
- pintar
- passar temps amb l'Home
- passar temps amb la Petita
- Skype amb la Gran
- passar temps amb en Chuck
- passar temps amb amics
- estudiar Català
- anar a fer vela
- anar amb bici
- passejar a les muntanyes, amb en Chuck i sense si cal
- escriure al bloc
- ensenyar
- dormir més (cada nit!) però alguns nits seria bé també.
- han de ser més.
És difícil trobant temps per tot, no?
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
a fantastic weekend...un cap de setmana magnificent
Honestly, it is a four day weekend here. Thursday, walking in the mountains, fantastic mountains. Friday, to BCN with the Man and Youngest to have good snacks and a fantastic art exhibit. Today, a castanyada at a friend's house and tomorrow? I'm. going. sailing!!!!
Com saps, tenim un pont de quatre dies aquest cap de setmana. Dijous, vaig anar a les muntanyes, fantàstiques. Divendres vaig anar a BCN amb l'Home i la Petita per menjar bé i visitar una exhibició molt interessant. Avui, hem anat a una castanyada a la casa d'uns amics i demà? Me'n vaig a navegar amb vela!!!!
OMGoodnessGraciousMe! Estic TAN contenta!
A Castanyada, as far as I could tell, involves a bunch of people getting together, eating lovely food, and ending it with chestnuts and sweet potatoes, alongside Muscatel, though I am not sure that is universal for everyone.
A lovely evening out. Una visita molt agradable.
Com saps, tenim un pont de quatre dies aquest cap de setmana. Dijous, vaig anar a les muntanyes, fantàstiques. Divendres vaig anar a BCN amb l'Home i la Petita per menjar bé i visitar una exhibició molt interessant. Avui, hem anat a una castanyada a la casa d'uns amics i demà? Me'n vaig a navegar amb vela!!!!
OMGoodnessGraciousMe! Estic TAN contenta!
A Castanyada, as far as I could tell, involves a bunch of people getting together, eating lovely food, and ending it with chestnuts and sweet potatoes, alongside Muscatel, though I am not sure that is universal for everyone.
A lovely evening out. Una visita molt agradable.
Friday, November 2, 2012
a sweet rich treat. Un capritx molt ric i molt dolce
The photo has come out a bizarrely weird yellowish colour, but nonetheless, you can get an idea. This is a suïsse, thick rich hot chocolate with a lump of nearly cheese like cream on top. Mmmmm.
Even Youngest couldn't finish it.
Aquesta foto ha sortit molt estrany i groga, no obstant això, pots tenir una idea. Que hem tingut avui es diu un suïsse, xocolata espessa i rica amb nata a sobre. mmmmm. Ni la petita podia acabar-lo.
Then we were off to the Miró museum, to see an exhibit there about the influence of Jackson Pollock on later artists. I will openly state that I am not a fan of Pollock's work, but I was fascinated to see what later artists had moved on from Pollock's innovations (and his ability with publicizing himself)
Desprès d'aquesta extravagància, hem anat cap al museu Miró per veure una exposició sobre la influència d'en Jackson Pollock sobre altres artistes. Haig de dir, molt clarament, que no sóc un 'fan' de la obra d'en Pollock, però estava fascinada per veure d'on han anat altres artistes de la seva influència (i habilitat amb la publicitat).
While I do think that the work that was shown in the exhibition, most of which focused on the movement of art as the intention, particularly movement that is divorced from the artist's skill and interpretation and message, is essentially a dead end, and not a very interesting one, there were pieces there I liked.
La majoria de les obres eren enfocat sobretot amb els moviments necessari per crear una obra sobre el que vol dir l'artista; i per fer-ho intentaven de separar l'habilitiat i el missatge de l'artista de l'obre - que la feien surtir quasi mecànicament. Penso jo que aquestes ideàs no van anar enlloc, i que el viatge intel·lectual que van fer no era ni gaire interessant tampoc, però a l'hora hi havien algunes quadres que m'agradaven.
While some of it was cool such as, burying paint bags in plaster then shooting bullets through the plaster to see the forms that emerge, or sitting on the subway with eyes closed and large headphones on, a pencil in each end and 'drawing' the movements of the train as you are shaken about, ultimately, I didn't really find it interesting.
Tenen penjat algunes obres que, pel tema de manera de fer-les eren força guia, per exemple, enterrant bosses de pintura en guix i despertant a traves del guix per mirar quins 'dibuixos' surten...o.....un home va seure, amb ulls tancats i auriculars enormes posades, al metro amb un llapis a cada mà, 'dibuixant' el moviment del tren quan el sacsejava...però al final, no m'interessava gaire.
Otto Piene had three fascinating pieces that were variations on Black Sun though the one in the link is not the one we saw. It was a fascinating exhibit, and there was a lot of work done in Japan that was influenced by him. Overall, a worthwhile exhibit, and to Youngest's delight, Calder's mercury fountain was up and running again. Fascinating.
Hi eren tres quadres d'en Otto Piene, fascinants...variacions del Sol Negre. L'exposició, sobre tot, era molt interessant i hi era moltes obres des del Japó que eren força influenciats per en Pollock.
Sobretot, valia la pena anar-hi i la Petita era molt feliç troba que el font de mercuri d'en Calder estava funcionant. Una meravelle.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
a fantastic walk....un molt bon passeig
With a friend. 9 hours, 25 KM, 1200 M of ascent and descent.
Spectacular views, good company and a tremendous sense of isolation.
Amb un amic. 9 hores, 25 KM, 1200 M de desnivell (pujant)
Vistes espectaculars, bon company i un sentit de solitude.
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