Tuesday, November 20, 2012

hunting days, les dies de caçar

Hunting day here was, as far as I know, Thursday and Sunday, so when I went out on Saturday and found the hills alive with men in camo with dogs and rifles, my excitement was....ah....limited.

I went down to the police and asked about this, after logging the fastest final ascent and descent possibly ever.  Nothing like rage for kicking a sad sack kind of run into a different gear altogether.

Turns out, they can hunt wild boar on Thursdays and Saturdays, and smaller stuff on Sundays.  Where that leaves the other 99% of the population, many of whom would like to go to the mountains on the weekends, I am simply not sure.

What freaking genius came up with THAT idea.

Els dies de caçar, pensava, eren dijous i diumenge, llavors, quan vaig anar dissabte a la muntanya i hi vaig trobar reventat amb senglaristes vestits en camuflatge, amb gossos, rifles i tot....no em vaig trobar molt il·lusionada.

Vaig baixar a parlar amb les policies, i per anar-hi vaig córrer un ascens i un descens més ràpid que mai.  La ràbia pot transformar una sortida.....anava en plan patètic i em va canviar les marxes i més!

Resulta que, poden anar a caçar porcs senglars els dijous i dissabtes i també poden anar a caçar animals petits els diumenges.  L'altre 99% de la població, del qual molts volen anar a les muntanyes als caps de setmanes, estan deixats, per a molt, deixat orfe per oportunitats amb seguritat.

Quin geni impressionant va prendre aquesta decisió!


Anonymous said...

What if you were out in the mountains with a boom box? That should be enough to signal yourself, scare all the animals around, and as a result, piss the hunters off because all the game around fled. In turn, they'll also go someplace else, and you'll have the mountains to yourself :).
Can't say it enough: "rock music solves everything".

oreneta said...

YEAH!!! A little ladcasting, keep my feet hoping along to the beat and keep those bloody nutjobs out of the hills around here!
You're absolutely right, rock music solves everything.
got a play list to share?

Anonymous said...

I'm not exactly sure what kind of rock music you're into, so I may not be the best advisor on that topic. Recently, I'm using Deezer a lot for music. I pick an artist (say, ZZ Top, for example, or KISS), and ask for "random music of the same genre". Works pretty well in here. Not sure it'd work during a run, though :/