I went to bed last night, then ended up making the Man worry, I woke up a little while later disoriented, and couldn't find him, ended up calling for him, making him come up wondering what was wrong. I must have been dreaming...never done that before.
Then woke up very early this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep, I was feeling, well, restless and uneasy....if not sad. Went up to paint. That helped a whole lot, and listened to fast upbeat hard base line rock music on the iPod.
Finally the sun came up, I stepped out on the terrace and felt instantly better. Maybe this is why I love Spain, and the Bahamas....sunshine.
Went running with the tunes, never done that before, it was weird not being able to hear my feet nor my breathing so clearly, and as I was feeling so restless, I flew along, really pushing it, but having a lot of fun at the same time.
Came home, put the same loud loud rock music on the stereo...praying the neighbour would forgive me, and by the time I was done with that, I was in a much better frame of mind.
Ahhhhhhh, the day had turned around, for the better.
Vaig anar a dormir ahir a la nit i al final vaig espantar l'Home. Em vaig despertar desprès d'una estona molt desorientada, no el vaig poder trobar i començava de cridar el seu nom. Evidentment, va pujar preguntant que m'havia passat. Em sembla que havia somiat molt estranyament. No ho he fet mai.
Llavors, m'he despertat molt aviat aquest matí, i no he pogut tornar a dormir i a sobre, m'he trobat molt inquieta si no trista. He pujat cal a l'alter per anar a pintar. M'ho ha ajudat molt i mentre pintava, estava escoltant música, música de rock amb l'iPod.
Finalment, el sol ha sortit, he pujat al terrat i instantàniament m'he trobat molt millor. Potser és up part perquè m'encanta viure aquí a Catalunya, i també als Bahamas. El sol.
He anat a córrer amb la música, que no ho he fet mai abans, una mica estrany, no podia sentir no els meus passos ni el meu alè, i que m'he trobat tant inquiet he anat volant, manant molt de mi mateixa però a l'hora era molt divertit.
He tornat a casa, he posat la mateixa música molt molt alt, pregant que la meva veïna, qui m'encanta, em perdonaria i quan he acabat amb tot això, m'he trobat molt millor.
Ahhh, la dia ha canviat a tenir una pinta molt millor.
Hi there - so glad you are feeling better. Music helps a lot doesn't it!
And running and painting and sunshine :) Hope to see you soon love K x
Life is pretty crazy these days, but I would very much like to find time to get together with you one of these days....sunshine and painting and running and bike riding and family and and and all help. indeed.
All I understood from the above is "Rock music solves everything". And I approve of this message :)
Glad you're feeling better.
Senyor Padwan....you are so right....rock music solves everything....I'm glad to be feeling better too.
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