Monday, November 26, 2012

20K trail race, una cursa de 20K de trail

Yesterday we went to the local theatre for a performace, the Man, Youngest and I, it was good fun, as expected, and we had a lovely time.  During the intermission, I ran into a woman who I went walking with last year, a friend of a friend more or less, who invited me to go running with her and her buddies on Saturday mornings, they go for 2 or 3 hours! on trail in the mountains.

I said, sure, as it is near the village so if I crap our I can bail and go home, no problem.  Then she invited me to do a 20K trail race with them in two weeks.  Being me - kind of stupid when it comes to challenges - I said yes.

The Man shook his head at me.

So it behove me to get my butt out there this morning and see what I had in me.  Not bad in fact, I was pretty happy, I think I'll survive this 20K...again working on the theory that if I can walk it, I can run it, it's just a question of percentages.

I did 12.5 K this morning, with 500m (1640 ft) of elevation in 1:45.  Finished strong and feeling good.  I could have gone further without pushing things much in fact.

That was a pleasant discovery.  Especially as I truly have no time to train and I have signed up for what is essentially a trail half-marathon.

Stupid, maybe, but it'll be in a beautiful spot and I'm going with my usual goals, don't break anything, don't come last.

Never dull.

Ahir vam anar al teatre aquí poble per veure una vam desfruitar.  Durant la intermissió vaig trobar una dona qui està l'amiga d'un amic.  Vam anar a caminar en la primavera i em va convidar d'anar a córrer amb ella i uns dels seus amics dissabtes al matí, van per un dos o tres hores!  en la muntanya sobre camirols.

Vaig dir que sí, clar, van a prop del poble llavors si no puc aguantar, tornaré a casa, cap problema.  Aleshores, em va convidar d'anar a fer una cursa de 20K de trail en dues setmanes.  Que sóc jo - una mica estúpida a davant d'una repta - deia que sí.

L'Home em va mirar com si fos ruca.

Llavors, em toca d'anar a córrer aquest matí i mira que pugui fer.  No ha anat gens malament, estic força contenta.  Em sembla que sobreviuré aquests 20 quilòmetres, amb la meva idea normal que si puc caminar la distancia, puc córrer-la, depèn de les percentatges.  

Aquest matí he fet 12.5 kilòmetres amb 500 m de desnivell en 1:45.  He acabat forta i em sentia bé.  Podia hagut anat més sense dificultats.

Me n'alegro molt saber això.  Especialment perquè no tinc temps per entrenar-me i la cursa és, més o menys, un mig-marató de trail.

Estupidissim, però ho faran en un lloc preciós i aniré amb les meves objectius normals, que no trenqui res i no acabi l'ultima.

no m'avorreixo.


Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good challenge to motivate you, isn't it? :)
Good luck with the 20k!

oreneta said...

I do seem to roll that way, I am just hoping I don't hurt anything too badly...this has the feeling of being a bit of a bad idea, but what the h.e.double hockey sticks.