Sunday, August 5, 2012

Good lord! Time and access! Deu n'hi do! Temps i internet!

It has been so long I don´t know where to start.  Work is work and going fine, I've been to a funeral, for the dad of a friend of mine, but I spent a lot of time with him too and it was sad.  We've shuffled around a bit, and suddenly it seems like summer is about to end, starting to count down the weekends!
Ha passat tant temps que tinc ni idea a on començo.  El meu treball va bé.  Vaig anar al enterament del pare d'un amiga.  Vaig passat molt de temps amb el i era trist.  Estem vivint en unes quantes llocs i de seguida sembla com el final d'estiu!  Estem comptant els caps de setmana!!!

Right now we've done a road Philadelphia to visit friends from our sailing days....they have the most spectacular place, right on a giant park with trails and next to a swimming hole!!!!!  Good dinner last night (and the night before when we were invited over to someone's place....the Spanish teacher where we are mostly staying!)
Ara mateix estem a Philadelphia amb amics dels temps a la barca.....tenen un lloc fantàstic literalment a costat d'un parc enorme amb camirols i tot i un lloc per nadar en un riu!!!!  Vam sopar molt bé ahir (i aband d'ahir també ens van convidar a sopar, el mestre d'espanyol a on quedem)

We went for a VERY long drive to get here...two kids and a dog.....then a walk and a swim and dinner in Chapel Hill, very swish neighbourhood.  All to bed early after the 3:30am alarm went off.....
Aquí a Philadelphia vam conduir per MOLTES hores, dos nenes i un gos.....llavors vam anar a passejar i sopavem a Chapel Hill, un barri molt maca.  Tots vam anar a dormir molt aviat, amb el despertador sonant a les tres i mig de la matinada!!!

Today?  A run, some touristing.....we'll have to see....  Avui, anim a còrrer, fem guirres...hem de mirar.

Hope you're having a great long weekend!!!!  Espero que tingueu un molt bon pont!




Helen said...

Sound busy, but good busy

Anonymous said...

Erm... My week-end is not a "long week-end" as in "there's a holiday around it" but it was so eventful that it *did* feel pretty long :)

J.G. said...

Sands through the hourglass for me, too . . . Summer is always too short!

oreneta said...

Helen, precisely. I accidentally typed your name with my left hand one key over, you came out as Hwlwn, most Welsh looking!

ElP....I can imagine!!! But good long.

JG, I have to agree, there is still nearly a month to go, but it does seem to be winding up. *sigh*