FINALLY I am online.....between jetlag, no access to blogger at work, no wifi at home and exhaustion....this took a while. Hopefully back to more regular blogging soon!
Here's the thing. I am, it would seem, extremely quickly bored. This would seem to play out in my lifestyle too....and running down a flat road on a sidewalk or bike path, however lovely the park I'm in, quickly becomes tedious. Really quickly. Running in circles, same same same.
Mira, és aixì. Em sembla que m'avorreixo molt senzillament. Pots veure aquest caràcter en la meva vida, no? I corrent per un carrer, o vorera pla i recte malgrat que sigui en un parc super maca, ràpidament, ho trobo tediós. Molt ràpidament. Si estic corrent donant voltes? Igual igual igual.
Back when I was biking a lot, commuter biking worked well, aside from being quite dangerous, especially in the winter...wiped out I know not how often and got hit by a car once....I loved it. There was something challenging to think about all the time, other than the fact that you were riding down the road. I mostly thought about cars and pedestrians and lights and who was going to kill me first. It was interesting every single moment.
Fa temps, quan vaig anar amb bicicleta molt, per anar i tornar, a treballar o a les cases de amics, em va anar molt bé fins i tot a l'hivern quan pot ser força perillós....vaig caure! No sé quantes vegades i una cotxa em xocava una vegada també, però ho m'encantava. Era una repta, havia de pensar tota l'estona, i no simplement pensant que estic corrent, o fent bici. Pensava, dels cotxes, senyals, vianants...qui em matarà primera. Em va anar molt de gust.
Trail running, so the same. You don't get to see much scenery, but you spend every moment thinking about something, where to put your feet, where the dog's gone (cause he ain't at the end of the d*mn lead) birds, who else is going by, horses, horse turds, and it is up and down and up and down and up and down.
Corrent pels muntanyes als camis és igual. No pots veure molt dels vistes perquè has de passar tota l'estona pensant on posés els peus, on ha anat el gos - perquè no ha de ser lligat (por fi) - ocelles, que em passa si fos gossos, cavalls, i pujo i baixo i pujo i baixo i pujo i baixo.....
So I'm trying to think of a way to keep up the running here without losing my marbles. Commuter running is one solutions I've thought of. The man and girls can drive or take the TTC to a friend or family members house, and I'll head off running, they'll carry a change of clothes. I always figure that if I can walk a distance, I can run it, just a question of how often and for how long I have to stop, but I'll get there. The route won't be as pretty, cause it won't be trails, indeed, I think I'd prefer to run where there are more other folks, I can think about avoiding them etc.....
Per tant, estic intentant de trobar una manera d'anar a córrer sense fent-me boja. Corrent d'un lloc cap a un altre podria ser una solució. L'Home i les nenes podrien anar-hi amb cotxe o transport publica i jo aniria corrent. Els podrien portar una recanvi de roba. Sempre penso que si puc caminar una distancia, puc córrer-la també simplement depèn quantes vegades hauria de caminar, però arribaria. La ruta no serà maca, ni amb camirols, però quan hi ha una gentada, haig de pensar de evitar-los.
Such a squirrelly head I seem to have. Sembla que el meu cap no para mai.
The man can sit on a rowing machine for an hour, or run around a track for an hour. I. so. cannot. Another friend was talking about how much he loves swimming, in a pool. Back and forth and back and forth for an hour or more. Swimming hard. I cannot imagine doing it. Open water with waves slapping me around....yeah, a challenge, something to think about. A bit of an edge to it.
L'Home pot fer una erg (aquest maquina per remar) per una hora o córrer donen voltes als pistes per un hora. Jo. no. puc. Un altre amic em va dir que li encanta anar a nadar, en una piscina. Per aquí i allà i aquí i allà...i s'esforça molt. No ho puc imaginar. En el mar, amb ones donant-me cops, potser...una repta, hauria de pensar, una mica de adrenalina.
Is it a kind of meditative thing? I can't quite fathom it. Potser és una tipus de meditació ho veig clar.
It does make me wonder what it is with my head though. Al final encara tinc dubtes de com va el meu cap.
HI There..
For some it is a quiet inner space without the outside world, it is meditation, the land of nothing ness that is only your own thoughts, it is peacefulness, and mental stillness that gives the brain time to let new things rise quietly to the surface, it is tuning into the exhalations and movements of your own body in a way that cannot be experienced any other time, it is observing quietly the rhythm of the breath and the step in unison, it is aloneness.
It is great.
Swimming laps is indeed meditative, but I'm with you on treadmill, track, etc. All I can think of is how pointless it is and better things I could be doing. Your idea of commuter running could start a whole new fad!
what about the podcasts? Run on the highway, it will keep your mind racing :D.
Anyways, glad you safely landed, and enjoy TO :).
20 lengths of a pool and then I am bored. Treadmills even with podcasts - boring. Going for a walk - much better.
You need a killer play list!Start with London's burning then walinking on sunshine and you're away! (Actually a warm day for once here so am maybe a bit obsessed
podcasts - definitely - try "This American Life" from NPR - very interesting - well only listened to one so far but it was cool. Or History of 100 objects from the British Museum.
Do you think you are addicted to adrenalin? I was just saying yesterday how I don't like too much adrenalin which is why I prefer to drive slowly and not watch scary films. I expect that is why you are slim and I am rather plumper too:)
K x
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