Sunday, June 10, 2012

Today, avuí...vol dir diumenge....that would be Sunday

My computer is temporarily won't charge, something is wrong with the connection, and I think I'll wait till I get to Canada to get it fixed, so I'm working on the Man's.  Good for the brain to switch things up from time to time!  El meu ordinador està, temporalment, mort.  No el puc carregar.  Alguna cosa ha passat amb al connexió del cable de carergar i em sembla que esperi fins que arribi a Canadà per reclamar-lo, ara estic treballant amb el del Home.  Diuen que està bé pel cervell si canvies coses de vegades!

Today, I went to St Feliu de Guíxols!  Friends invited us up for the day and it was MARVELOUS!  Avui hem anat a Sant Feliu de Guíxols!  Amics ens van convidar pel dia i estava meravellós.

There are the remnants of a monestary there that are used as a - well attended -'s a couple of photos.....Hi ha parts d'un monestir que ara fan servir pel església, amb molta gent que van, aquí teniu unes fotos.....

It has obviously been burnt out at some time, as there are no interior decorations.  Està evident que l'església va cremar en un moment, deu ser a la guerra civil, perquè no hi ha cap decoracions a dintre.

There is some Catholic event on this weekend, I cannot remember which, but the Catalans make designs on the ground near the church with flower petals, very very beautiful.  Hi ha una celebració catòlic aquest cap de setmana, no me'n recordo quina, però els Catalans fan dibuixos al terra a fora dels esglésies, i surten molt macos.

Then we went for a walk along the coast a brava.....oh my......   Desprès hem passejat per la Costa Brava, deu n'hi do.....

Beautiful, no?  Espectacular, no?

Of course Youngest and I went for a swim as well.....and our host for a moment, though our hostess didn't.  It is quite a bit warmer and Youngest and I were in for a good half hour and didn't emerge particularly cold.  Evidentment, la Petita i jo hem nadat també.....el nostre amfitrió ha nadat també per un moment, però l'amfitriona no.  La mar està més calin, la Petita i jo hem quedat allà per un mig hora i no hem sortit amb molt de fred.

Look who came and visited us though!  Mira qui ens ha visitat!

Back to their place for a HUGE lunch and a nap, then home.  Hem tornat a casa seva per un dinar enorme i una migdiada fantàstic i hem tornat a casa....

What a great day.  Quin dia més maca.

1 comment:

thecatalanway said...

Really interesting! I have never been there but St Feliu is one of the places on my list as I have a good feeling about it! Lovely church ceiling.
What a nice day - aren't we lucky to be in such a fantastic place. Sorry not to see you at Tiffanys though - it was great!

K x