I am planning out the last couple of excursions before we have to head back to TO.....I have one big one and two smaller ones in mind, and briefly, I was tempted to run the two shorter ones, thereby blending an excursion and training, except....
Avui estic plantejant les últimes excursions abans del nostre tornada a Toronto.....tinc un llarg i dues més curtes que vull fer. Per unes moments pensava que potser córrer les dues petites, amb la idea que podia entrenar i fer un excursió, però......
When trail running, the only thing you look at is your feet. No, that and maybe a meter ahead of you to plan where to put your feet. Quan estic corrent al muntanya, la única cosa que tinc fixat al visió està els meus peus. No, a més un metre a davant que pugui plantejar on els poso.
That is fine when you're on home turf, and you know when it is worth stopping completely to look up and look around, but when you're on a new and cool bit of terrain, waste of a walk. Seems to me. No ho és un problema quan estic córrent aquí a casa, quan jo conec on val la pena para completament per mira al meu voltant i admirar la vista però en un lloc nou i maco, seria un malgast d'un passeig.
Also, harder to bring the camera, water, food, etc, and then there is the wet smelly sweaty public transit ride home.....The short routes are only 13K kind of jobs, so they are quite runnable in a couple of hours with a water bottle and an energy bar, with a fleecy tossed into the mix, then a meal at the town when you get down, just the sweaty ride back.... També seria més difícil portar la càmera, aigua, menjar etc i a l'hora de tornar, hauria de pujar transport públic mulada, suada i fent pudor....Les rutes curtes duran unes 13K, que les pugui córrer en un parrell d'hores amb una ampolla d'aigua, una barra energètica i un polar, desprès menjar una mica al poble on acabaré però encara hi ha aquesta tornada suada....
I think I'll walk a couple of these routes first, and if I like 'em enough, I can always go back and run them....cause you just don't really see them that much at speed. Em sembla que caminaré aquestes rutes primera, i si les m'agraden bastant, puc tornar per córrer allà.....perquè de debò, no veus molt quan vas ràpidament.
I am open mouthes at 13k being a short sort of route that could be done with a single bar of something! You are amazing!
K x
now to that ruddy word thingie again. I must love you to keep doing this grrr
I was just thinking the same aout you! I've misssed your comments. I did say lunch afterwards too.....
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