Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Transit of Venus, trànsit de Venus!

I'll be watching, at least a bit of it!  How about you.

Jo el miraré, si no només una mica,  i tu?


Anonymous said...

Nope. Overcast sky in here, and I don't have proper equipment to properly prevent any risk of eye damage anyways... I'll ask the Internet to show me how it was :)

oreneta said...

I was watching on-line....we can't see it from this far south!

Beth said...

Missed it - hope you got a good glimpse of it...

oreneta said...

We couldn't see it actually, but we were watching it stream live....it happened over night in this time zone, so there was a camera up in Norway, but we mostly watched the feed from NASA in Hawaii via the Guardian newspaper in the UK. Pretty cool too, and there are some pretty amazing photos out there too.