Friday, June 1, 2012

What a fabulous day. Quin dia més maravelos

Chuck and I headed out a little after 6am this morning for a run, and was he ever a happy dog.  How we are going to get this animal to shed is beyond me, but we had a good hour long run.  He chased many many bunnies, none of which were apparent to me, but apparently they were out there and needed chasing!
En Chuck i jo hem anat a córrer aquest matí a les sis per evitar el calor.  En Chuck era un gos ben content.  Com podem manar que deixa al pell d'hivern, no ho sé, però hem anat a córrer per un bon hora.  Ha perseguit moltes conilles, no he vist ni un, però se sembla que hi havien, i que era imprescindible que els perseguí!

Then the man and I went into BCN to see TWO count 'em TWO exhibitions, both free no less.  Life is wonderful sometimes.
L'Home i jo hem anat a BCN per visitar DUES!  Mira, DUES exhibicions, totes dues gratuïtes!  LA vida està molt bona de vegades, no?

First we went to the Pedrera's art space to see an exhibit of ceramic work by Josep Llorence Artigas who worked extensively with Miro as well as being an astonishing artist on his own.
Primer, hem anat al espai d'exhibició de la Pedrera per veure l'obres d'en Josep Llorence Artigas qui com deu saber, treballava amb en Miró força a part de ser una artista impressionant, el mateix.

I left feeling, primarily, ignorant.  I simply do not know enough about ceramics to be as blown away as I should be.  They were beautiful, there was no doubt, but if I were a more educated audience it would have been even more amazing.
He sortit amb un sentit d'ignorància.  Simplement jo no sé bastant per saber com fantàstic són aquests obres.  Era evident que estant excepcionals, però amb gens qui saben més, seria més meravellós.

We then went up the street to an exhibition about el Bulli, which if you haven't heard of it, is now a closed restaurant, which was voted the best in the world for 3 years running, if I am not mistaken.  The chef there, Ferran Adrià is a Catalan, and a household name here.  The show was a bit like his grandmother had emptied out her attic and all the cupboards at the restaurant and put it all on show, but fascinating nonetheless.
Llavors, hem pujat cap al Palau Robert per un exhibició sobre el Bulli.  No cal dir més en Català, tothom aquí sap d'en Adrià.  L'exhibició era una mica com la seva iaia ha buidat l'àtic i tots els trasters del restaurant i ha simplement ficat tot allà, però era fascinant.

A stop in a bookstore where I picked up two books, one a hilarious story about a Brit biking around Catalunya, and the other a guide book of walks in and around BCN, all starting and finishing with public transit!!!!!
Hem parat uns moments en un llibreria i he comprat dues llibres, un escrit per un guiri qui anava amunt i avall aquí Catalunya i està molt divertit, l'altre és una guia per unes rutes d'aquí Barcelona tots accessible per trànsit públic!!!!

Then a lovely esmorzar with the man, return home, a short nap, a little work, then sitting out on a patio with the mountaineering group having a little something to eat and drink and just hanging out.
Doncs, hem esmorzat, hem tornat a casa, he fet una migdiada, una mica de treball i finalment, passava unes hores al terrassa d'un bar amb les gent de la grup de muntanya.

Quin dia més maca.
What a lovely day.


Sam said...

that sounds like the PERFECT day...sigh! : )

PS what is an "esmorzar"?

thecatalanway said...

Oh that sounds wonderful! What a good day. I went to see the Goya after you mentioned it - somehow that has disappeared into the mists of time. Was good but not my sort of heart touching art. Is that awful to say?
What was it you wanted por old Chuck to shed? fur? Does he always do that? Cn I expect Bonnie to do the same?

See you soon

love Kate xx