Thursday, November 8, 2012

This week has simply flown by...aquesta setmana m'ha passat volant

Got 8, count them, 8 entire consecutive hours of sleep last night, and was still so sleepy while teaching one class that I had to rest my head in my hand in such a way that my eyes couldn't close.

In a bid for another 8 hours, I am going to keep this short and sweet.  I am not sure how we got to nearly Friday, when it frankly feels like Tuesday, but it is all good anyway.

lots of cycling and exercise, lots of work, some study, time with Youngest and the Man, and the dog.....some decent reading in....very little painting, but you can't win them all...and some sleep, so off to try and make that happen again.

He tingut 8, les compteu, 8 hores consecutives de dormir ahir a la nit i encara he tingut tant de son que mentre estava ensenyant avui havia de suportar al meu cap en una manera una mica estrany, però que em deixava mantenir obrir els meus ulls amb els meus dits.  

Per intentar de tenir un altre 8 hores, avui escric poc.  Jo no sé com hem arribat quasi a divendres, a mi, em sembla més dimarts...però tot va bé.

Aquesta setmana he anat a fer molta exercici, i de bicicleta, 8 hores consecutives de dormir, temps per estudiar, he tingut temps amb l'Home i la Petita, i en Chuck....temps per llegir....molt poc per pintar, però, mira, no pots guanyar tot...i he dormit una mica.  Me'n vaig a intentar de fer-ho un altre cop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky you! For the last three nights of my business trip to Brussels, maybe that's the total number of hours of sleep I managed to get...