Thursday, November 15, 2012

The other day I was doing an activity with some of the kids I teach in which they had to list things you find in villages.  Alongside the usual stores, basketball courts and pharmacies they listed beaches, mountains, forests and castles.

Now, reaffirmed, I know why I like living here.

L'altre dia estava fent activitats amb uns alumnes, van haver de crear una llista de les coses que puguin trobar en un poble.  Van pensar dels llocs típics, com botigues, pistes de basquet i farmàcies però també van ficar platges, muntanyes, boscs i castells.

Ara, reafirmat, jo sé perquè m'agrada viure aquí.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Yes, yes, yes....beaches. I do wish I could put beaches on my own list. *sigh* But that is a lovely, stunning photo on the top of your blog right now.

Anonymous said...

Those are great things to find in a village :)
So... did any of them mention "three old men/women sitting at a bench all day watching people"?

oreneta said...

Beaches are good things to have on a list for every village.....

No one mentioned the three old men, and the bench even has a name, 'si no fos...' bench, which means - roughly - the were it not for bench.

Lots of folks on that one right now.