Thursday, November 29, 2012

what is she teaching? què està ensenyant?

Youngest has been struggling with her Spanish teacher, who seems to think that she is actually employed to teach calligraphy, or maybe penmanship would be the better word.

Every so often, the kids here have to hand in what is called a 'dossier' which is all of the homework activities they have done for the unit.  They get graded on it.  Youngest's most recent one, for the new Spanish teacher, failed.  You see, despite the fact that every activity had been done, and done correctly, her handwriting wasn't super tidy - though utterly readable - she had crossed some things out, an absolute sin here, and she hadn't used a ruler to draw some of the lines.


Content? Learning? Completed work?  Apparently that counts for less than half the mark, and how pretty it is counts for more than half.

Youngest has spent HOURS rewriting the next one to hand in, instead of studying for a test that she has, and indeed, instead of going to a Schostakovitch concert in BCN  that we had tickets too.

Now, educationally speaking, do you really think this was the best possible use of her time?

Me neither.

La Petita ha estat discutint amb la seva professora de castellà qui evidentment pensar que la Generalitat la pagar per ensenyar bona presentació i lletra no pas castellà.

A vegades aquí , els alumnes han de entregar un dossier de les activitats que havien acabat.  Els mestres posen notes.  L'ultima de la Petita per la nova professora de castellà va suspendre.  Mira, és així, malgrat que hagi acabat cada activitat i que hagi fet tot bé i correcte, la seva lletra no era impecable - encara que ho podria llegir sense dificultat - i va tatxar algunes línes, un pecat molt greu aquí, i no va utlitzar una regle per unes línies.  


Continguts?  Coses que va aprendre? Treball completat?  La professora ha deixat molt clar que ho compte per menys de 50% de la nota.  Com maca ho és, això val per més que 50%.

La Petita ha passat HORES passant net la següent dossier en lloc d'estudiar per un examen que té demà i millor encara, en lloc d'anar a un concert en Barcelona d'en Xostacóvitx per a que teniem entrades.  

Ara, per temes educatives, penses que ha estat al millor possible utilització del seus temps?

Jo tampoc.


Anonymous said...

So, if you fail the unit, they direct you to Med school, because that's consistent with your writing? :D
Somebody needs to "draw the line" with this teacher. With a ruler :)

Anonymous said...

Really? Really?!?! Sounds like this teacher focuses on the ridiculous because she doesn't want to do the real work of teaching. So sorry for your daughter!

oreneta said...

:P jejejejejejejjejeje

Trailing spouse, welcome to the joys!