Sunday, February 21, 2010



Am I the only one who feels this way?  I love catalogues, I always have. Even though I grew up in the city we used to get the Sears catalogue, goodness I enjoyed going through that.  Then there is the Ikea catalogue, an LLBean catalogue came through the door, goodness knows how that happened.

Marine catalogues, what a joy, especially the more esoteric ones.  We have a catalogue on the boat from a company that makes fasteners, you know, carriage bolts, machine screws, silicon bronze, brass, 16/10 stainless steel....I am a font of infrequently discovered atypical in a woman information.  It was a great catalogue.  Marine plumbing, you name it, I love it.

I am so glad that I don't get catalogues from art supply companies, and book catalogues, never seen one.  I even like going through the catalogues for teacher's books and those are pretty darned dry if you ask me.

There is something about it, for me anyway, the sense of potential, what could be, yet still a sense of mystery because you cannot actually handle the items, so you don't notice their flaws, there is that delightful feeling that everything in the book is wonderful.

Of course one must be realistic once it comes time to order, yet....there is that time when it all seems so grand.

On line, somehow it isn't quite the same, something about having the book in your had lends to the magic of it all...

Another time I'll tell you about the Fuller brush man who used to come to our house.  He had the neatest box full of tidily tucked away treasures.

Another time.


J.G. said...

Catalogues are like free magazine subscriptions! All that reading and dreaming at no cost.

C.S. and I get a Brodart catalog: all kinds of home and public library stuff (shelves, bookends, book carts, check-out systems, restoration supplies, etc.). It's great!

Garden supplies are a lot of fun to pore over, too.

oreneta said...

Oooh, yes, the Lee Valley tools catalogue, though I think I like the tool one better than the gardening one!

Beth said...

You want some catalogues!? I’ll save all the ones I get and dump them on you when you’re in town next summer. (You’ll need a bigger basket than you had last summer…)
I’m not sure how it happened but I am on everybody’s mailing list. I get 'em all – even Victoria’s Secret!

Jason, as himself said...

You and my MIL! She does not read. But she LOVES to just sit and look at catalogues, even though she rarely buys anything from them.

Anonymous said...

OK, I love catalogs, too!! I also tell my students to get rug catalog and Anthropologie to get design ideas.

It is amazing how much we have in common, isn't it? LOL