Sunday, January 9, 2011

Canvas a day project

Anyone reading this recently may not be entirely suprised that the canvas a day format seems to be changing.  I think I am now at the point where the commitment is more to sketch every day, aiming for 30 min minimum, and to paint every day.  Not necessarily completing a canvas everyday.  Though I am not sure I am willing to let that go completely as I know there have been many many times when it has pulled me though into something very cool.

We'll see how this evolves.  As I move to working bigger the canvas in one day becomes impractical, though....

Well, we'll see.

As for today?  Painted most of the day, and dealt with back-to-school angst from the munchkins.  Me?  I have blinkers on and I'm pretending that tomorrow doesn't exist.  Much happier that way.

My painting space is sunny, warm and bursting at the seams, especially as the family keeps joining me here.  It is weirdly warm, shirtsleeves in fact, which is a delight even if it is a wee bit odd.

In the spirit of 'paint every day' I'll post photos of the three as-yet-imcomplete paintings I am working on.  As you may be able to tell, these are larger format works, and are underway.

Hope you had a good day too!


Nomad said...

LOVE the last one. V cool.

oreneta said...

Thank you very kindly ma'am! A long way from done, and work slowed today with a sick pup to nurse! I think Picasso delegated these things, no?

Anonymous said...

ooh poor pup