Saturday, June 30, 2012

Coyote, coiot

First, I have to explain that posting may be erratic, as I am having problems with access.  Blogger is blocked at work (grrr) and the internet where we are living is slooooooooooowwwww to non-existent.  I'll see what I can do.
Primer, us haig de explicar que tinc dificultats de penjar aqui per temes d'access electrònic.  No puc entrar a blogger on treballo, (grrr) i el internet on quedem va MOLT LENT, si no, no hi ha de vegades.  Faré tot el que puc, però.....i el corrector no està obrint i hem deixat els diccionaris a Toronto.  Em sap greu per el meu català.

ara, una histora.  Now, onwards.

Yesterday morning I got up pretty early for a run, with the Chuckster, and we did hills.  Half an hour of hills.  Still nothing compared to Catalunya, but what can you do in flat old TO.....  Chuck was a little squirrelly in some spots, he could smell some sort of living thing in the bushes, skunk? Raccoon?  Fox?  Coyote?  I make great time running when he sees something nervous or that makes him a little uneasy.  See, when I'm walking, my feet are on the ground providing friction and braking, but when running, there's that air time and sometimes the strides get REALLY Lllloooooooooooooooooong.

Ahir al matí vaig aixecar molt aviat per anar a córrer, amb en Chuck, i vam fer pujades.  No sé exactament com es diu en català, però vull dir que vam anar a córrer amunt i avall unes quantes vegades.  Per un mig hora.  Res en comparació de Catalunya, però és Toronto, i no hi ha molt que podem fer.  En Chuck li trobava una mica nerviòs en alguns llocs, podia sentir o olorar un animal en el bosc.  Mofetes?  Un ós rentador? Un guine?u Un coiot?  Puc córrer molt rapidament quen en Chuck li posa nerviós perquè, quan estic caminant, les meus peus sempre tocan la terra, amb frició i frenant, però quan corro, hi han aquests moments quan estic en l'aire i, de tant en tan, els pasos van MOOOOOOOlllllt larg.

Anyway, we'd finished up the run I had planned, and had headed on over to the dog park, his Chuckiness was off leash lying in a puddle at the far side of the park while another dog was running towards him.  Behind him was a hill that runs the length of the park.  Enter Coyote, full speed, running along the side of the hill.  The other woman calls her dog, who comes, and I just try to keep his royal Chuckiness' attention.....and the coyote streaks across the field behind him....and then Chuck sees him....and is OFF like a missile.  
Doncs, vam acabar la ruta que vaig pantefar de fer i vam anar cap al parc de gossos, i un cop allà, en Chuck lliure i estirat en un toll o bassiot amb una altra gossa corrent cap a el.  Al darrer d'en Chuck hi havia un tross de terrany més alt, i que anava des d'una banda del parc cap a l'altre, i en una cantonada, un coiot arrivava...córrent tan ràpid!  Passava al darrer d'en Chuck, qui jo estava cridant, i pensava que el coiot aniria en el bosc al final a l'esquerra, però no, va gira una 90º i va anar cap a mi, bé no a mi perquè era un 100 m a la meva esquerra, però en Chuck li va veure i le va seguir!  

Takes off into the distance, down into the ravine after the coyote, and I figure that if he meets up with that coyotes family, I'm down one dog.  Els dos van desapareix en la distancia i jo tenia po que si en Chuck trobava el coiot i tota la resta de la seva família, no tindré un gos.

Thankfully, he reappears. Por fi, va reaparei.

Goes on leash, and that was the end of that adventure.  Li vaig agafar i aquesta aventura va acabar.

And plenty of adventure for one morning.  Ja vam tenir prou per un matí.


thecatalanway said...

Oh good old chuck - he knows how to have a good time! And to profit (! Catalan reverse translation) from every new experience. Glad he came back and glad you are getting out to stretch your legs
K x

Anonymous said...

Good that he came back... Do you really think a group of coyotes would have meant a fight with Chuck? I would think that wild animals would rather try to disappear from sight, so they would rather all scatter and try to lose Chuck...

oreneta said...

Kate, never misses a chance that one, though now he's on leash pretty much all the time. He's seems pretty happy nonetheless, lots of folks around.

ElP Indeed they would. The coyotes have attacked a number of pets....if he found their den, he'd have had a problem indeed.