Thursday, June 14, 2012

Good lord, but life is good. Mira, la vida és tant bona.

Honestly, life is so good.  Sometimes I am just aware of it, and it is lovely.  This may have something to do with my light workload right now, and my correspondingly larger quantity of free time.  The weather here is perfect, absolutely lovely, not too hot, I did some painting, I am reading a good book, I went for a walk in the mountains with the dog and a friend, I am in good health and fit enough.....even the computer has decided to take a charge! vida està molt bona.  De tant en tant ho noto, i està un plaer.  Potser correspon amb la poca treball que tinc ara i en conseqüència, la gran quantitat de temps lliures que tinc ara.  Els temps estan perfectes, no massa calor no fred, he pintat una mica avui, estic llegint una molt bona llibre, he anat a passejar als muntanyes avui amb un amic i el gos, el meu salut està bon i estic en forma, prou....fins i tot, l'ordinador ha decidit de carregar-se!

Tomorrow, a run, get the kids off to school, a walk, maybe some more painting, some errands, lunch with the kids, maybe another walk....possibly a concert (terrible) in the evening that some of my students are in and they want me to come and see them perform.  
Demà, correré, les nenes aniran a l'escola, aniré a caminar un altre cop, pintaré, faré algunes tràmits, dinaré amb les nenes, un altre passeig, potser aniré a un concert a la tarde, (seria força horrorós) alguns dels meus alumnes serà tocant - els tenen bastant habilitiat, però tots?  No pot ser....però els meus alumnes volen que vingui, i ho faré.  No un dia molt malament, no?

Not a bad day.  No un dia molt malament, no?

I'm walking around with a big smile on my face.  I do love living here.  I was asked if my life here is very different than in Toronto....yes.  Very.  Estic caminant pel poble amb un gran somriure.  M'encanta viure aquí.  Em preguntat avui si la meva vida aquí està molt diferent del de Toronto.  Sí.  Molt.  

I don't want to say that life in Toronto isn't great, there are aspects of it that I adore, but I have access here to the mountains, to space and nature - even though there is nothing actually wild about it - and the sea and time to enjoy it.  I don't spend hours in a car or on the subway, Barcelona is nearby with all of its history and culture....there much.
No vull dir que allà no està bé, hi ha parts que m'encanta, però tinc un accés al mon de muntanya i espai i natura - encara que no està gens salvatge - i la mar i temps per desfruitar-ho.  No passo hores en cotxes ni en el metro, tinc Barcelona molt a prop amb tot el cultura i historia que n'hi ha....tot.  

Toronto has many wonderful things going for it, and there is much that I am looking forward to, I don't want to deny that, but simple, I am very happy here.
Toronto té els seus punts forts, no vull negar això, simplement estic molt contenta aquí.


Beth said...

I‘m a day late with my comment but I do hope you’re still savouring such a delightful mood!

thecatalanway said...

So good to appreciate our lives here - we are lucky! Great to hear how happy you are here - so you won't be thinking of leaving anytime soon!!!!

love Kate x

oreneta said...

Beth, yes indeed! It is so nice when we can realise the pleasures of the life we lead rather than dwelling on what isn't going so well.

Kate, I'm not planning on going anywhere soon....well, aside from Canada for the summer.

Anonymous said...

I think that's the key. Find and grab happiness however you can, whereever you are :)

oreneta said...

Precisely....if you look around, there is usually something charming.