Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Visit, una visita

We went off to the Sagrada Família today, with a friend who's working as a tour guide and I manage to bring a camera without a memory card, cause I'm just that smart.

Hem anat a la Sagrada Família avui amb un amic qui té treball com una guia turística i he portat una càmera sense una targeta de memòria, perquè sóc tan llesta.


Anonymous said...

Don't you always keep it in the camera? I only take it off to transfer the pics, and as soon as I'm done, I always put it back there immediately...
Well, that just gives you another excuse to go there again :)

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

OK, I have done that too. I think it is a normal human function. I mean, we used to have to worry about food and shelter and wild animals encroaching - who had to worry about a memory card? It just isn't in our DNA yet. Yet.... it may translate into our children's DNA...

Helen said...

Oh b______!

At the risk of sounding sanctimonious I'm like elpadawan and always put it straight back into the camera. Though that is because I know I will lose it if I put it anywhere else

oreneta said...

I did always keep it in the camera, but then I got a new little camera for my birthday to take walking, and I was to cheap to buy a new memory card, thinking I would remember (HA) to switch it in and out of the cameras.

Seems not.

Kim, you are so kind...much nicer to think it's my DNA and not forgetfulness or stupidity!

thecatalanway said...

Hey! I do that too! Or not exactly that but I have - in the old days - taken a camera to an important never to be repeated occasion without any film inside. Of course you don't find this out for ages when it slowly dawns on your that you've been clicking away for months and the film never ended.
I suppose some people don't remember those ancient times!
Hope it was wonderful anyway and you have images in your brain memory. Or did you forget that too?

oreneta said...

Yeah, the no film in the camera and a suspiciously large number of photos....done that!

And no, I remember it all, did remember the built in memory card. It is spectacular in there now, mostly meant I couldn't blog any of the photos.....