Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Excellence, pyramids and octagons.

Well, looky at what Trish sent me!!!!

And what a great day to get it...I am suffering from illness (apparently endless) the constant pursuit of the Catalan medical system in a search for whatever is wrong with Eldest, plus the dog's daily drug regime....an award is MORE than welcome on this kind of dreary back-to-work funover day, Nomad coined the phrase funover, and Theresa reminded me of it in her post about the weekendover....

So thank you Trish, quite a lot.

Now I will pass it on too..... Hula girl, I haven't been reading her blog all that long, but I love what she has to say...and I love to hear about her encounters with teen angel, as this is becoming my life too....and I am sorry to hear about your tooth, I broke one of those too, though I looked like a hockey player rather than a hillbilly...it's like they say, location, location, location.

Also I'll pass it on to Lynda because her blog is excellent, and I also have not been reading her for very long and she thinks up the greatest meme's, more in a moment....

I would send an award over to Michele but she already has one, and so does Joyce but Joyce's other blog, the Darfur Project doesn't and it sure deserves it...she makes the most beautiful (excellent) bags, posts photos and sells them on her (excellent) blog, (I have ordered one), and she is sending the money to help the situation in Darfur which is also well deserving of an excellence award. Now if she can ever get her sewing machine back from the repair shop, and get well - my sympathies- she can make MORE bags...

Finally I want to send one over to Nomad's art site, Poena because Nomad has serious talent, and we are going to be taking an online painting course together starting in a couple of weeks, and I just got the info, and even with the remainders of a rash disfiguring my face, a sore ear and a killer sore throat...I am SO excited to be doing this class, and to be doing it with the ever excellent NOMAD!

Finally, in response to Lynda's Pyramid project meme, here is my pyramid....

As an extra bonus I not only have the pyramid shape, but I tossed in an octagonal based pyramid as well....don't say I never gave you nuffin'.

.....later, in fact the next day, after some sleep...what was I thinking? *slapping forehead* I cannot believe (and I am embarrassed by this) that I failed to mention elPadawan in Toronto who has an excellent blog, bilingual too! It is a whole lot of fun having a look at where I grew up through his eyes...to boot? He writes really well and it is fun to read, in English anyway, and he climbs nearly endless staircases to raise money for the environment. What more can you ask for?


elPadawan said...

yum. Recommended links for me to read. Thanks ;)

elPadawan said...

Bwah ah ah ah ah. Thanks a lot, and no offence taken, I don't get the sassy mamma's blog awards either, usually (is it because I am a guy? :p)

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Gasp! An award for me? Thanks!! That's very sweet of you. I love reading your blog, too. It gives me a sample of things I hope to see in person one day. Thanks for sharing your current corner of the world.

Lynda said...

You like me!!!... you really like me!!! lol
Thanks - that is very cool.

Love your pyramid... they are rolling in and some are so funny - what a creative bunch we are.

swenglishexpat said...

Clever pyramid! Sometimes we forget to look up to discover things. :-)

Nomad said...

U R SO SWEET! Thanks for the award!
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather, that sucks...hope you R better soon.

I just got the info as well and I am beyond excited!!! ( I have been poring over art supplies....*rubbing hands together*!!
TBG (bless his heart) has helped me to set up a studio in the house, (a wholer room to myself!!!!) I have been drawing/painting like a crazy person, I keep promising myself to take some shots and post, but ...well real or virtual and I have been sucked up in the real lately...

!!!Thanks for thinking of me!! Talk to you soon! (PS are you in Canada this summer?) We go mid July.

oreneta said...

elPadawan...your welcome, on so many levels...

Hula, you also are most welcome. How's the tooth?

Lynda, it is true, I like you, I really like you.

Swede, actually I have to confess, I didn't look up, I noticed the reflection in a living room window...then I looked up.

Nomad, green green green with jealousy! A space all your own to PAINT and DRAW!!! How fantastic is THAT! So good.