I'm still plugging away at book six, but I didn't get much done today because I was visiting with Nomad!!WooHoo, she's got a cottage for a month and we went up for the day, and it was MAHHHVELOUS.... The drive wasn't even too terrible, although looongggg. The dog, who gets car sick made it all the way through the long hot drive and then the kids put him on a giant swing sofa thing, and then he barfed. Poor thing...
This amazing and cute bug was on the water slide...
The kids had a great time running around and playing and swimming....and eating, they even watched a movie, High school Musical...We walked out and bought Popsicles, and we had Karwartha Dairy ice cream, two flavours, cherry and maple walnut. Mmmmm good.
These were decorating a local establishment and I loved them....so you get to see them too....
The view from the dock...including the slide....
We are going up again next weekend for most of the weekend and I for one am looking forward to it a great deal...So nice and so relaxing and the air smells so good....so good. It was so great to see Nomad again, I just adore her, and it was such a nice visit...the kids had a blast and we had so much fun...so worth the drive out....just have to wait five more days...
Then we got home. *gasp* We had to start getting ready for the new camp tomorrow, sailing camp starts and there is a fairly epic volume of stuff to take, and for them to leave behind...what fun. We also discovered that eldest has the wrong shoes...
OK, small side rant here, how can any child with four, count them 4, pairs of shoes not have the right shoes?????
Anyway, we went past four different possibilities, until I had to cave and slither over to the dark side and I was forced to go to Walmart. I am not going to go into that rant, it will take FAR too long....
We get through and I am hating it, and then we get to the express cash, the lady in front of me must have about 30 items, and the cashier lets her through, then she hasn't signed her credit card and has no ID because her friend went out of the store with the card, then after signing the unsigned card and charging her purchases, she buys more, but pays cash with a $50, the cashier doesn't have change, so they have to wait, but do they move aside so that I can make my purchases? No, I have to do it around them, and I was a mite, um, pushy by the end....
I hate walmart. Hate it.
OK...so then we go home, and have a nightmarish orgy of organisation, and I am about to sit down and do a ton of marking when I realise that I have a guest lecturer tomorrow morning, there are other things I am supposed to be doing at that time, but SORRY, gonna be marking. Too tired now, I drove all told for over 5 hours, and I was up at 5:30 this morning...time to read a little Potter and go to bed.
Hey, here's something cool....the spell checker doesn't recognise walmart!!! ISn't that cool.
OK, I hate -- HATE -- people who go through the express lane with more than the required number, and the cashiers who let them through. What's the point of having an express lane if they're going to do that? Stupid cashiers.
Sounds like a great weekend.
You are one crazy/busy lady!
(You're not crazy - your schedule is...)
OMG....you. hate. walmart???? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! ;)
My kid loves that High School Musical movie....
I love your pictures....and you and Nomad are soooo lucky...to be able to get together at a cottage. yum.
DD: I was cool with it until the unsigned card, the second purchase with the huge note, and then not getting the heck out of the way...then I wasn't OK with it at all.
Beth: Naw, there's a pretty good shot that I am crazy too...at least here in TO...
Beth: HATE IT...don't even get me started. :-) Yeah, Nomad's a dream
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