Eldest is still hurting. Man that bends me out of shape. Makes you feel so helpless.
Youngest managed to do a big faceplant onto concrete yesterday and has some impressive facial scabbing today. I may send her off to get her front teeth checked too.
This evening was however one of those stupendously stunningly beautiful evenings. I was over at dinner with my sister in law and youngest, and we took the dog for a walk. We found creeks and quiet pine groves, an enormous rasberry patch and the most beautiful skies...including a rainbow...double in one section. Thank goodness for that. Moments of beauty are such a relief.
Here is a great egret, rare in Toronto, we saw it on the weekend, although with global warming, who knows how long it will be rare here....
And a great blue heron just up the river.....they look more spectacular in the winter in Florida in their mating plumage....
These lovely copper jobs were on the rasberry bushes we were denuding.....
And here is a part of that rainbow, it was so big it required three photos to get it all, this is the best of the shots....
oh man, I love rainbows...and that was a pretty one!!
Summertime in Canada is the best!
What is 'name day' ?
Really good bird photos! I want a better camera. We saw Little White Egrets (well 1 of them) in Pembrokeshire last week - they are getting more common there now. Also some herons, and identified a few more wild birds while out on walks. I feel very proud when I can identify an LBJ by its song.
Beth: Yeah, I love rainbows too, that one hung on for a good long time as well.
Trish: It has it's good points. A name day is based on the premis that everyone is named after a saint, and each saint has a day in the Catholic calender when they are celebrated, so your name day is the day your saint is honoured, but for the individual, as opposed to the saint, it is like a birthday..you know, gifts, everyone wishes you well, etc etc, without the age thing attatched. You still get a birthday too, so I guess that is kind of a bonus.
Helen: Thanks, The camera is very good, and makes it look impressive. There are very few birds I can recognize by sound...none are LBJ's. Happy Birthday by the way.
Thank God for beautiful evenings - to (temporarily) calm your soul when worrying about your children.
Beth: Ain't that the truth...sieze whatever bits of beauty come your way and love them...
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