Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Actually French culture is officially dead.

Dead.  Kaput.  Finished.  They should hang their heads in shame.

I find it fascinating to look at the different flavours of potato chips you get in different countries.  Canada is quite open in this sense and we have a w i d e range of flavours.  The US seems to stick to the traditional plain, barbeque and salt and vinegar (is that right? or is it sour cream and onion in the US)

The Catalans are great, they have campesina, which is kind of ranch flavoured but better, roasted chicken, roasted onion and garlic, jamon/pernil, and the pernil here is VERY good and mushroom.

The French however?  Variations on old fashioned and salted and then I saw this.  I am pretty sure you couldn't even get this in walmarts in the US.  I was in the market this evening and found, made by a FRENCH company, (the horror) cheeseburger flavoured potato chips.

French culture is officially dead.

I am sad to inform you of this, but it seems to be true.


Mother Theresa said...

Lol. I wonder if they know? :D

AnneC. said...

lol, yes we apologize for our sad lack of potato chip flavours! ;)

Anonymous said...

Never seen that one. I've seen plenty of different kinds. Although I'm not so fond of potato chips myself, I find them too greasy, too salty, and not convenient when going for a picnic. You always get a bag half-crumbled to bits, etc... If you ask me, there shouldn't be any particular flavor for potato chips. If you want roasted chicken, don't ask for the flavor on your chips, get the chicken directly! :D

surfie999@gmail.com said...

LOVE the painting as your headline art today........very impressive.
5 Jan 2011.

Happy New Year.

It is a yuk day here.......WORK after about 2 weeks of Christmas merriment.

surfie999@gmail.com said...

LOVE the painting as your headline art today........very impressive.
5 Jan 2011.

Happy New Year.

It is a yuk day here.......WORK after about 2 weeks of Christmas merriment.

Joy said...

I was always right skeeved by the BBQ Chicken flavour of potato chips. BLECH!

J.G. said...

What's creepy to me is the obviousness that it's all just chemical flavorings--no cheese, no burger. Yuck.

Boo and Trev said...

Sounds delicious! No really! I have ways like French crisps and I don't think we can pretend that any flavour crisp (chip) are fine dining so you may as well just embrace the bad taste. Carrefours here I come!

globalgal said...

I live in Beijing where we have kimchi (they love korean here, too), tomato, shrimp, sweet seaweed, asian beef, bbq duck and various meat and spice flavors. I love the kimchi chips.