Monday, January 2, 2012


I don't know about you, but I can no longer handle caffeinated coffee.  In fact I am not sure I ever could.  In Bilbao the other day, we stopped to have a coffee.  I found mine rather harsh, but drank it back.  About half an hour later I was having chills and sweats, my hands were shaking like I had Parkinson's and let's not even talk about the internal trembling.  I think my heart was beating irregularly I felt so weird.

That decaf, wasn't.


Had to go and eat to try to reduce the trembles...felt weird for several hours.

Am I alone out there with this?  I assume not.  How does caffeine miss-hit you?  Curious about this one, I have to admit.


Anonymous said...

well, if we consider caffeine and theine are the same molecule, then I'll have to talk about both tea and coffee. I tend to drink coffee during summer time, and while in an office (because the tea is always disgusting in office coffee machines...), and tea in the morning for breakfast, and also during the day during winter time (with honey, to keep me from catching a cold...). Intake may vary, but in the coldest of winter I could have myself more than 1.5L of tea... As for coffee, I very seldom go over 5 espressos a day... But I'm not addicted enough to go frantically looking for a tearoom/coffee shop while in the wilderness, just to "get my fix" :D

Helen said...

I can't drink coffee or tea after 6pm and can't have more than 2 squares of dark chocolate after 6pm because then I will get the heart palpitations, etc and can't sleep. Even decaff doesn't work. it is fruit teas after 6.

J.G. said...

I have one cup of half caff in the morning, heavily dosed with that awful heart-gluing exotically flavored "creamer" and that's it for my day. I hardly ever have another cup, and never at night.

Soda seems to have little effect, and besides, I've given it up (again). Chocolate has no effect, thank goodness!

Anonymous said...


I have been caffeine free for about 15 years now...cannot. drink. the. stuff...

Turns me into a trembling, acidic, gasping, barking and bitching hyperacive monster...

Tea included, caffeine free all the way...even chocolate keeps me awake...


On another note, do not go back to school til Jan 18, so really enjoying the break..pretty intense..(sort of like the caffiene...) *gor*

Missing you, and hope your holidays were marvelous!


oreneta said...

ElP, that is a LOT of tea and coffee....I have moved to deteinat tea as well....but it doesn't impact on me as badly as coffee.....I learned about chocolate the hard way one night.

Helen, I'm earlier than 6 and I wish I liked fruit teas more than I do. Meh.

JG, haven't had a cola soda since I know not I can't speak to the impact on me. Good with the chocolate.

Nomad, didn't realise you had been completely caffeine free for so long....glad you're getting a long break anyway. Missing you as well, tons. Holidays still are marvelous. Did you spend yours in Paris this year?

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

I am noticing how caffeine affects me lately too, especially coffee caffeine. I drink my share of tea throughout the day, but largely diluted - a mix of black, green, rooibos and fruity teas which are half caffeine-free, and this without obvious jolts of energy. But a starbucks coffee will get me hopping and, like you, I'm finding it's not a good kind of hopping. Is coffee getting stronger or - EGADS! - are we getting older?! (word verification = dingli !!!)

oreneta said...

Dingli! Good word....

I have to confess, I'm owning up. I'm getting older and that's the end of the matter.......not a good kind of hopping indeed.

Anonymous said...

No flew back to Canada for 2 weeks, was marvellous...
Just marvellous enough to make up for the jet lag...
Did a house swap, an old farmhouse just North of Port Hope so it was super, and we got to have Xmas like normal.
Very nice. Tummy bugs all around tho, but did not affect the bravado one little bit..
You are making me jealous with all your lovely travelling! It looks So fun!

Hug Nomad

oreneta said...

Christmas in Canada, what a delight. The house swap must have been wonderful too......saw lots of family I imagine. Lovely!!!