Thursday, January 26, 2012

Variable ability

Weird isn't it.

One day you can do something very well, and the next?  Meh.

Or vice versa.

I think anyone who has learned a language can attest to this.  Some days, you just can't seem to get it right; others, it just flows along.  Athletes too can certainly agree, there are days when you are just on.  I find the same in drawing.  Yesterday, seems I wasn't able to draw anything competently. Nothing.  Not that I was beating myself up, but really, basics such as proportion and formation were. not. happening.  Running however seems to have been.

This morning?  Drawing, smooth, effortless, easy and lovely.  Not trying running today however, so I'll have to let you know about speaking instead -

Odd though isn't it. Something good for people to recognise consciously though too, we all have our on days and off days, and it is just that way.  Kids too.

If someone could figure out why, and help us get to on days when we need them?  Wouldn't that be great.


J.G. said...

Writing is the same for me. Some days I just don't have it.

Think this may be why many artists are surprisingly discilined about working every day? Otherwise they might miss those unexpectedly great days, and if they have a bad day, there's always tomorrow.

thecatalanway said...

what annoys me is that some days I am so organised and can get almost everything ticked off my list. Others I seem to lack any ability to complete a task and just drift around faffing. Wish there was a pill for this! (I think there is and it's called getting up early and having along walk!)

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Oh, me too! I often think I have a split personality. Kim is good at some things, but her alter ego....


Helen said...

People used to blame biorhytms and it seems as good a thing to blame as anything else.

oreneta said...

JG, That's probably a good part of it, it also keeps the creativity flowing, I find for me that it builds on itself, literally ideas feeding off others, and if I find myself away for a while, or with a strong sense of finishing an idea, I am left a little lost and I have to create a whole new rhythm again.....

Kate, you may be right about that magic pill indeed!!


Helen, I've heard that to, but never quite figured out what biorhythms are anyway. A fancy name for what we're all talking about anyway?

elpadawan said...

+1 on the "why". It applies to really any activity, work related or not. Although I'm not sure knowing why it is so wouldn't necessarily tell us how to control it. "Hey I need to be my best for the Olympics"... would be a tad bit too easy, now, wouldn't it? :D

oreneta said...

ElP...well, the why and the control are not always the same thing, for instance, we can answer a lot of whys around HIV, but have very little medical control over it.....