Sunday, January 8, 2012

Vultures, lots and lots of vultures

Remember that post from a couple of days ago with the big big big vulture?  Here?

Well one evening we went up near the base of the cliffs for a last walk with the dogs, and look what we saw:

You may need to click on these, and these are only fragments of the sky, the camera, great though it is, cannot even approach getting the whole sky in a picture

There must have been a hundred of those big big birds flying and circling around the thermal there, flapping in and landing on the cliffs, soaring out from their landing spots.  Truly an amazing view.  I've never seen anything like it before.  Never.


Helen said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's really impressive. Didn't know there were so many dwelling next to your home...

oreneta said...

Helen, it was....

ElP, this was in the Basque region still, not here in Catalunya. They reputedly are throughout Spain, but we haven't got the cliffs they like near our spot.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

I do wonder what they were spotting to feed on. Do they feed en masse as we are led to believe vultures do? Hopefully they weren't spying your group and a potential source!

oreneta said...

Bodhi, there was an updraft there and they were circling hight and higher in it, also it was closing in on sunset and many of them roost and nest in the cliffs there. We kept wiggling around so they didn't get any nasty ideas, not too hard to do with two kids and two dogs along.