Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chuck and I went walking, Jo i en Chuck, hem anat a caminar

Left this morning before light, and had climbed quite a long way up in full dark, no flashlight.  It was weird and good, walking in some areas, it was so dark I couldn't see where I was putting my feet, and part of it was on very (read extremely) uneven trails, if you've ever gone walking with me, you'll be able to imagine it!

He marxat aquest matí abans de l'alba i he estat pujant a la muntanya aquí en la foscor, sense llums.  Era estrany i fantàstic, en uns parts, feia tan fosc que no podia ni veure els meus peus, i alguns parts són trails (camirols) molt mal mai haguessis anat a caminar amb mi aquí podries imaginar.

Took this picture of the sun coming up over the sea....  Aquí tens l'alba sobre la mar.....

Chuck and I walked an out and back, the idea was about a 20K out and then obviously a repeat to come home, after 15K, Chuck was trailing and whining.  We took a break, he whined and napped, I decided that we'd gone long desire to carry the dog for 5K cause I have to get to work is low.

En Chuck i jo hem anat per una ruta d'anar i tornar, el plan original era de fer un 20K per anar i, evidentment, una altre 20 per tornar, però després del primer 15K en Chuck ha quedat al darrere de mi, plorant.  Hem fet un descans d'una mitja hora, en Chuck plorava i feia una migdiada, i jo he decidit que hem anat prou lluny, tinc molt poques ganes de portar el gos per l'ultim 5K perquè hagi d'anar a treballar.

We hung out for half an hour!!!!! then meandered back, stopping and hanging out pretty often.  It was a pretty hot day honestly, and Chuck's enthusiasm faded with the heat.  He has basically been sleeping since we got back.  Indeed is sacked out beside me right now.

Hem descansat per una mitja hora!!!!  i hem tornat molt xino-xano parant sovint, fent poc.  En realitat ha fet força de calor avui, i l'entusiasme d'en Chuck ha anat baixant en paral·lel amb la pujada de la temperatura.  Ha passat la resta del dia més o menys dormint, i està dormint aquí al meu costat ara mateix. 

Grape vines....for wine, and below his Chuckiness cooling off and getting a nice muddy drink at the same time.  Tastes better this way than from the bottle it would seem.

Vinyes, per vi, clar, i en Chuck refrescant-se i bevent alhora....ben ple de fang....sembla que l'aigua té més bon gust així, no?

A long, slow, fun beautiful and scenic walk.....highly recommend it to anyone who wants a longer walk.  7.5 hours round trip, 30K.

Un dia lent, divertit, preciós, amb vistes impressionants.  Ho recomanaria moltíssim per un passeig una mica més llarg.  7.5 hores anar i tornar, 30K

Lovely day.  Quin dia més maca.


thecatalanway said...

This is an unusual situation for a dog - PLEASE WALK ME LESS!!!!
(and where's my photo at the top of this page??)

Where did you go? Before dawn sounds lovely. You are brave and intrepid.

Surely soon it will get cooler - I am longing for it. Don't want cold or wet, just pleasantly cool even when the sun is out.

See you soon

love Kate x

oreneta said...

You're not the only one who complained about the absence of his Chuckiness, I'll put something up, one sec....

Walked towards BCN.....a love the temps now, but a little cooler will make for better walking with the mutt.


O xxoxo

Anonymous said...

Pretty nice view you got there. Did you wait for the sun to be completely up before going forward?