Yesterday's post commented on my sleeplessness, and overheating, Beth commented that maybe it's menopause.
Went and looked up a little more about that, and discovered I could tick more than a couple of the boxes. She's probably right.
I'll embrace this as the new me, be glad of the internal warmth and find productive things to do with the extra time in my day. And nap. Cause I live in Spain, and I can and I love to.
10K run tomorrow!
En el que vaig penjar ahir, comentava sobre el meu insomni, i que tinc molt de calor. La Beth em va comentar que podria ser la menopausa.
Aquest matí he anat a buscar més informació i he trobat que tinc més que un d'aquests símptomes. Llavors, la Beth deu ser correcte.
Jo sóc així ara, i pot ser bé també. Haig de ser agraït del calor que ara tinc, i haig de trobar coses productives per fer amb les hores que tinc com un extra. I fer migdiades. Perquè visc en Espanya, i perquè puc i perquè m'encanta una migdiada.
Corro 10K demà!
And to think I almost didn’t mention it for fear it was too personal!
How can anything so universal be that personal?? ;)
May your symptoms be mild and your energy level remain high!
Maybe we can arrange a Skype call for all of us menopausal/peri-menopausal readers. I, too, am up at odd hours of the night and like you, used to be a multiple blanket sleeper. Now the window is wide open, I am wearing summer pajamas and sleeping on top of the sheets. And still sweating and awake. But unlike you, when the alarm does go off, I feel as if I have slept only an hour or two and feel like crap. But for those hours I am awake, it would be fun to connect with the computer. Ideas any one of us menopausal women?
Beth, I am glad you did mention it, and I totally agree, I almost didn't post this, cause it felt too personal. Odd that, it is so very universal.
Bodhi, definitely those hours have to be USED somehow!
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