Too bad wind is invisible. The photos just don't show it.
Llastima que el vent és invisible. Les fotos no ho poden il·lustra.
Went to the mountains today, Cim Comabona. It was crazy cold. So cold that when I wiped my nose on my mitt, the snot froze in 2 seconds before my eyes. I don't know what temp that is on a more regular scale, but this Canadian girl can tell you that's it's frickin' cold. Anyone from out in Manitoba care to calibrate that for me? Toronto just doesn't get there.
He anat a les muntanyes avui, el cim Comabona. Feia un fred..... tan fred que quan m'he mocat amb el meu guant, els mocs es congelen en dos segons, ho he vist. No sé quina temperatura feia amb una escala regular, però que sóc canadenca, us puc dir que feia MOLT de fred.
And the wind. Unreal. Honest to goodness, it was blowing up the mountain so hard, in the last bit, that you can see there, that I was blowing up hill. I wasn't climbing at all, I was braking the entire time to try and control my speed and direction, then had to fight my way back down.
I el vent! Irreal. De debò, bufava tant, pel ultim tram, que podeu veure allà baix, que estava volant amunt. No he pujat, he estat frenant simplement per controlar la meva rapidesa i direcció, i a l'hora de baixa, he hagut de treballar.
Never in my life. Mai en la vida.
They reported 160 km/hr winds on the Costa Brava. I can believe it. A la Costa Brava deien que han tingut uns vents de 160K/hr. Ho puc creure.
Though also totally hilarious. Hilarant.
Closest you get to fall colours here in Spain, still lovely, but not quite the same as Canada.
Els millors colors del tardor que he vist aquí mai, maques, però no tenen res a veure amb els de Canadà.
Oh, yeah, that is some fierce cold. When I was a runner (here in the north east of Canada) I would gauge whether I kept going or gave up the run as to how fast the water in the corners of my eyes froze. If it was in the first minute, I would cave. Today, we are gauging winds for other reasons - The Frankenstorm (!) I will say that being outside different parts of today has been eerie. And although I couldn't say it has been the calm before the storm, I have felt a ne sais quoi... in the air. There definitely is energy of a certain caliber running through here. Hopefully I'll be able to qualify it in a few days.
Might have been a good day for gliding off the mountain :)
Bodhi, it was fiercely cold, though my eyelashes weren't freezing, more wind chill than absolute cold I guess. Nonetheless, brrrrr. Hope you're doing fine with Sandy visiting.
ElP, the trick was to NOT!
Helen, pithy and accurate
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