Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weird, sleepless and overheated. Estrany, poca dormida i massa calin

Something odd is going on.  I have always been a cold sleeper, always.  LAY on those blankets!  Plus, I am a solid 8 hours a night kinda girl.

Not anymore it seems.

Suddenly, same number of blankets as the man, and after 4 or 5 hours, I wake up, and I'm good for the day!

Honestly, I don't even have bags under my eyes, and I feel fine.

I am getting lots of exercise, no caffeine at all, anywhere, and know what?

I hate sleeping so little.


Alguna cosa estrany n'està passant.  Sempre he estat una persona fredolica quan dormo, posava MOTES mantes.  A més, sempre domia un 8 hores al nit.

ara no.

De sobte, tinc mantes com l'Home, i desprès de 4 o 5 hores, em desperto i estic bé pel dia.  

Sincerament, no porto ulleres, i trobo bé.

Faig molt d'exercici, no caffeïna, però res i saps què?

M'odio dorment tan poc.



thecatalanway said...

Ah you'll be wanting to meet up at 6am then! I am also not sleeping too well but can't say I wake up ready for the day. I just feel hot all the time, like now, its past midnight and I am sweating. The annoying thing is that instead of gradually getting cooler I just KNOW it it will suddenly be horribly cold!


Beth said...

If you’re okay with just 4 or 5 hours of sleep, think of all you can get done in a day!
Maybe it’s menopause??

oreneta said... odd how our bodies function, no? Looking forward to seeing you on Monday

Beth, I think you're right. So very right.