Monday, October 29, 2012

Speed tour of BCN, una visita ràpida.

Into BCN this morning early....this was a serious tour.  Then I met a friend and she recommended a particular drink at a particular granja (type of cafe), should I have time.

He anat a BCN aquest matí, aviat....un tour seriós.  Però he trobat una amiga i m'ha recomanat una beguda especifica en una granja especifica, si tingués temps.

Arrived, marched down to Decathlon, doors opened at 9:30, I was second in. Looked at the saddle bags for bikes, didn't like either of them, looked for pants for walking in the hills, didn't like any of them.  Left.  Hmmmm, the next store doesn't open till 10am, and it is 9:37, that granja wasn't too far away.

He baixat, he caminat cap a Decathlon, que obri les portes a les 9:30....he entrat segona.  He mirat les bosses per penjar a sota el seient d'una bicicleta.  No m'agradava ni un, ni l'altre, he buscat pantalons per anar a caminar, no m'agradava cap. He sortit i he rumiat que la pròxima botiga on he hagut d'anar no obrirà fins a les 10, i era les 9:37.  Aquesta granja no era molt lluny.

I had a suise, which if I had been more organised I'd have taken a picture of, think of thick dark rich hot chocolate, thicker and darker and richer than anyone outside of Spain (Catalunya?  I don't know) has ever seen.  Top it with a slab of whipped cream.  I do mean slab, it was so think it had shape and heft, like half way to cheese.

He tingut un suise, i si fos més organitzada, hauria hagut fet una foto.  Un xocolate calent tan negre, tan ric, tan bo tapat amb una cullera gran de nata....ohhhhhhh

Dip a croissant in.  amb un croissant.

Oh. my. goodness.  Deu n'hi do!

 I couldn't finish.  Must go back with Youngest.  No podia acabar.  Haig de tornar amb la Petita.

Off to the next store to fine Bellatrix Lestrange clothes for Youngest's costume.  Success, and all was on sale.    Llavors, cap a la pròxima botiga per comprar roba per fer la disfressa de Bellatrix LeStrange per la Petita.  Exitós i a rebaixa!

Heading out of town 1 hour and 10 min after I arrived.  Freakishly efficient, and I even got the suise in!  He sortit de BCN 1 hora i 10 minutes desprès de quan he arribat.  Una eficiència molt estrany i fins i tot he tingut temps pel suise!


Anonymous said...

Looks like the sugar rush helped you finish your shopping in a jiffy ;)
(I always wanted to use jiffy in a real world sentence. Such a scrumptious word...)

oreneta said...

in a jiffy is awesome....on that note, I continue to be utterly impressed by your use of colloquial English.....scrumptious is pretty scrumptious too!

Anonymous said...

Well, I try to keep and maintain my English. Reading can help learn weird and unusual words :D

oreneta said...

Neither of those are weird or unusual, but they are impressive!

Good on ya!