Saturday, October 6, 2012

Grossness below, consider yourself warned. Hi ha una foto una mica escarós, t'aviso.

Slightly gross picture below, not as bad as all that, but OUCH!
La foto allà a baix està una mica fastigós, però no molt.  OUCH!

Went for a short run today, waking my legs up while simultaneously tapering (is that possible?) and found a rock with the second toe on my right foot.  The white lines at the bottom are where the nail seems to have shattered, there is blood under the whole thing, but especially under the tip, where it was oozing out earlier.  
He anat per córrer avui, per despertar les cames i fer un 'taper' simultàniament (no sé si ho pot fer) i he trobat una pedra amb el segon dit del peu dret.  Les línies blanques a baix són a on l'ungla ha trencat.  Hi ha sang a sota tot l'ungla, especialment a sota al part amunt del ungle, a on traspuava sang més aviat.

Fa una mica de mal.


Beth said...

I’ve seen worse (with three boys…) BUT that is definitely gross. Hope it doesn’t impede your running/hiking/biking, etc.

Happy Thanksgiving!

oreneta said...

Sure you have seen worse, it isn't all THAT bad, but I thought I'd give a heads up. Feels better today, hoping to run tomorrow!

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!