Thursday, October 4, 2012

that's gonna be looong, Aquest 10K? serà molt llarg

Went running today, as planned, pulled off very nearly 7K, as planned.  Hmmmmm, I'm thinking that this is going to be a very very long 10K.
He anat a córrer avui, com he planificat, he acabat quasi 7K, com he planificat.  Hmmmmm, penso jo que aquest 10K serà molt llarg.

The wonderful husband, when I came in the door, red in the face, sweaty and feeling pretty darned slow and hopeless greeted me with, "Wow, that was fast!"
 El meu marit, meravellós, quan entrava la casa amb la cara vermell com un tomàquet, suada i em sentia lent i sense esperança, m'ha saludat diuen, "Que rapida!"

A keeper, that one. Val la pena que quedi, aquest, no?


Beth said...

Definitely. :)

Anonymous said...

This must be the 1% of occurrences when this sentence is actually meant as a compliment :D

Nomad said...

:-) sweet!