Friday, October 26, 2012

What was supposed to happen, que hauria hagut de passarn

I was due to be away for the weekend climbing a mountain in France, but then someone mentioned the forecast was supposed to be cold.  I had a look.  Sat, 1 degree,  rain, 70 km/ hr winds, feels like −20.  and you're wet.  Sunday, −8, 65 − 70 km/hr wind, snow.  This is what I would more simply call a blizzard.

Teòricament, aquest cap de setmana hauria hagut d'anar a pujar una muntanya en França, però algú em va dir que farà fred.  He mirat els temps.  Dissabte, 1 grau, pluja, 70 km/hr de vent, ho sentirà com si fos −20 graus i estas mulat. Diumenge, −8 graus, 65 − 70 km/hr de vent i neu.  En Canada això és diu un blizzard i la gent?  Alguns morir.

And that's at the town below the mountain we were to be climbing.  Aquests temps?  Són per la poble a baix de la muntanya.

I bailed.  I've had to be out in that sort of weather, cause I had to be. Know what?  It hurts.  Not something I want to do recreationally, not even talking about getting lost on the top of some mountain.
He dit que no vaig.  He hagut d'estar en temps com així, perquè no vaig tenir cap opció, però, saps què?  Fa mal.  No és una cosa que vull fer al nivell recreatiu, i això no toca la tema de perdre-nos cap amunt d'una muntanya.

It may have been a bad sign when the lone Canadian says it's going to be too cold.  Potser no era un bon senyal quan la única canadenca deia que farà massa de fred.

We've changed plans, going somewhere more local on Sunday, just for the day. Hem fet un canvi de plans, anim a un lloc més a prop el diumenge, per un part del dia.

Should be more fun, to say the least.  Hauria de ser més divertit, a mínim.



Nomad said...

I guess you are sure right there :-)

I decided a while ago that being Canadian has made this one of my primary considerations in going anywhere or doing anything...will it be cold?
Sweater, jacket,fleecy or parka? Extra just in case?
Scarf???? Warm socks? Anyone??

Its ridiculous!

...having said that, I LOVE being warm...any kid of warm.

Just bought wool socks today that go over my knees..

Very Happy happy girl.... warm!


Anonymous said...

better safe than sorry :). Anyways, the Canadian weather is more bearable than in, for example, Paris. Mostly because of the lack of humidity. It's a dry cold. Very bearable. When your cold is damp and wet, it gets to your bones...

oreneta said...

Nomad, after 3 years in the Bahamas and 6 is Spain.....this has faded for me, and I actually RESIST putting on woolies......

ElP, in many ways, yes...though it gets to a point of cold, where it is just miserably cold.