It is 11:15, my stupid internet is working intermittently and one of my students did a blatant wiki plagiarism. Note to others...if your going to plagiarize, go a little deeper down the list at google so it isn't quite so easy to discover, m'kay?
I was a little nasty. I dutifully marked it. Gave comments, then at the very bottom mentioned the close similarity between the piece and a wiki. Second note to potential cheaters...don't copy the photo as well, hmmm, all I had to do was click on the photo and the page came up. I never even had to do a google search.
I ask you, just how stupid does this student think I am?
You know I am a dumb *ss immigrant and all, and can't speak the freaking language well, but honest to god.
On another note, I will be getting out the new seasonal cookbook my sister got me for Xmas before heading to the market this week...some goodies are in season, and now that I have a couple of nights a week when I don't have to work.....
Cheers folks, and DON'T CHEAT!
mwah ah ah ah ah. This one is really too obvious. Cheating is useless, you always get blown up, eventually
LOL that is classic... love it!
** note to self.. go further down the list if cheating...
Please fess up, is it fun to catch a cheater when you're a teacher? Or just annoying that someone didn't really try?
elPadawan, the other problem, and I sound like such a TEACHER here, is that you are really harming yourself more than anything else...
Lynda, pretty stupid, huh?
Hulagirl, mostly, for me, I am disappointed and kind of angry. i don't know, it is just so crappy. I try to build a relationship with the students, and this illustrates that it isn't really there...the fact that they would try it indicates a lack of respect for the process and that is what learning is all about.
It seems that pupils think that teachers were born yesterday... They think they know it all!!!
Let's see what you do in the kitchen!!!! :D
Have a good day!
Okay, it is kind of funny, for me anyway. It is hard to believe someone can be so dumb.
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