Saturday, February 16, 2008


My feet ache clear up to my hips.

Birthday parties. I am almost outgrown having to go to them, but this one was in a neighbouring town, and was in one of those excruciating party play house Disney things. My lift there, who are a lovely couple, wanted to stay, and I could hardly ditch them and take off to sit in a cafe in the sun away from the shrill squeal of gleeful children...

Then we had a party here too, quite successful, I might add...

Between my feet from standing and walking all day, and my head from the volume of Catalan, four hours constant yesterday and about seven today...

I am wilting...

By the same token we are finding a space here, we got two invitations to peoples houses today, which Catalan's don't really do that much, we walked another friend's dog, another woman took care of youngest yesterday, while a third offered to watch her, and my boss took four hours out of her day to schlep round the medical centers, and intends to do it again for the specialist! Still another woman offered to come with us to whichever doctor as well.

It feels nice.

AND -----

The man got a CD from the library, London Calling by the CLASH,

Is that every a great album...

Jimmy Jazz!


Anonymous said...

It is wonderful you are starting to feel at home and welcome in your area. Sorry to hear about you feet and legs. I suffered from similar problems in pain for a number of years. I got the heel spurs cleared up and went to the chiropractor to help with knee pain, which helped with the rest of my legs. I can actually go for short walks and not suffer from excruciating pain. I don't know how you manage for all the walking and standing you do. Great you have the library for a resourse for music and books also.

Beth said...

Sounds like your social life is certainly expanding - such a wonderful feeling to be a part of it all.
Be careful of those hips!

Mother Theresa said...

Glad to hear you're meeting some nice people. Sometimes it's not easy finding a good group of friends in a foreign country.

I read the post below and I'm sorry to hear that the docors haven't figured out what's wrong with Eldest. I remember when I was about 10, I had horrible stomach aches and I used to lie on the cool kitchen floor looking for some relief. They did all kinds of tests on me and never did find out what was wrong. Somehow it went away by itself, but I still wonder what the cause was. Anyway, I hope that Eldest's pain will go away soon. :)

oreneta said...

Dawn, thanks for your concern...I think this time it was mostly sheer tiredness, thought the hip is aching a bit still...glad you can go for a bit of a walk anyway. It seems you do more, what with chasing donkeys and dogs around...along with kids...

Beth, it is nice to be developing a group of people we know and have contacts with here. It takes much longer than it did on the boat...

Theresa, I am sorry to hear that you too suffered from stomach aches, never diagnosed, though I am DE-Lighted that they went away on their own...fingers crossed.