Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Did I say something about books?

Woo hoo! Jackpot today in the mail...I had ordered books from Amazon, not something I can afford to do to completely fulfill my compulsion, but some now and then. The books I got would seem to be boring books, but I am excited.

You see; I like fiction, some of it. All the literary snobs out there are going to jump down my virtual throat when I say this, but honestly, fiction is fine; I read lots of it, as it is mostly what falls into my hands, and mostly what the local library has, but I prefer books with more intellectual challenge. Yes, yes, I can hear you shrieking at me about my ignorant outlook on Liiitrachuuur, and yes, I know I know, it is full of tales for all humanity, good fiction is a discussion of the major problems of out time, of the nature of humanity, windows into the past and into the psyche. Yadda yadda yadda, I get it, I get it; I really do, but I also really like reading non-fiction, good non-fiction, and this rather maligned genre is excellent and there are some brilliant writers... there is brilliant writing coming out of some of the hard sciences fields, who do also discuss the state of the earth and potentials for humanity, while also bending my head open with new ideas, there are environmental writers who are enough to make you weep, and then get up and do something...there are some brilliant books out there, books that show you how the world is changing, the thinking of some of the greatest minds of our times and where they are leading us. The areas I like best fall under creative non-fiction and for-idiots-like-me science writing good. Mmmmmm.


I got two books about the construction and creative use of moodle, as well as a book put together by and for moodle users, a tip sheet so to speak, plus one about using blogs, wiki's and podcasts in classrooms....I am learning Catalan and Castillian isn't enough, I need more...

I will confess,

My name is Oreneta and I am a challenge addict.

This is gonna be so good,

gotta get me some reading now...



Miss Kim said...

wooo hoooo (again!) I just luvvvvv getting those boxes from Amazon! But now you've sent me off on a tangent-- gotta find out what this 'moodle' thing is! I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

Go for it and have a good time expanding your mind!GM

Angel said...

Hey! Getting anything in the mail, besides a bill, is great, but BOOKS??? That's the best!!! said...

Got mucked up by Blogger dying temporarily......but READ just READ.
Who cares if fiction or not, and what would be world be without Cahucer, Dickens, Patrick White, Alexandre Dumas, Ludlum, even Lord Archer [ex con], mailer and so on. And many others with a way with words.As well non fiction wriers of currency such as Jared Diamond, Thomas Friedman and others. Just good writers.
Not to mention the odd blogger or three.

It is just the literary snobs - would be if could be - who say you must read non fiction.

Enjoy the reading! said...

Yuk Yuk......needs some editing! Sorry about that. BUT....all writers need a good editor - an
inbuilt shit detector [Ernest Hemingway]

Unknown said...

I read more non-fiction than fiction. I read history -- I'm currently reading about Magellan, for instance. I find that stuff fascinating.

Anonymous said...

I had to Google Moodle, but my vocabulary just expanded

Sea Dog

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I bounce between fiction and non-fiction. Honestly, there's just nothing better to this gal than some fast reading Fannie Flagg or John Grisham.

oreneta said...

Amazon totally RULES! I kind of hate it, in all honesty, that they are such giants, by the same token, they help a lot of independent used book sellers stay afloat by linking with I guess I am ambivilent about them as a corporate the boxes of books...mmmmmm

GM, yes to find the time...

Beth, we should start a compaign to bring back the know we're cutting edge blogging types, voices of the new generation...time to get some letters going....'cause it is so nice to get a letter....

PeterH...I so agree...just read, but it is so great to get something that really draws your attention.

DD, some of the history being written is brilliant too....Love some of that, especially the history that is about how communities lived, I finished a book recently, "At Day's Close: night in times past" that was brilliant, looking at how nightime affects all of our lives and has over a long period...there is a lot more going on than sleeping, and always has been. More than that too.

Sea Dog, glad to be of service. My vocabulary is roaring along in several langauges..god help me...

Hula girl, I don't know Fannie Flag, but I will confess there is a time and a place for a light trashy novel too...a bit of brain candy to rest the aching cerebellum after a lot of effort. Those fast read books are great as well.

Anonymous said...

Good for you. It is great to challenge oneself. I might some day again, but right now I am just too tired. Might be because I have been sick all day, so it is a challenge to get up to get a beverage, but it is also because I am so busy doing regular everyday things I am not motivated to challenge myself with something more difficult. I more a baby steps type person. said...

try - "1421 the year the Chinese discovered the world". Non fiction and riveting. By Menzies. Or "Microtrends", also fascinating, with relatively short chapters that can be easily digested in a single hit.

oreneta said...

Dawn, I am sorry you've been feeling sick, makes everything a challenge, not the good kind...

Peter H, read the first, while we were anchored nearly on top of the location in the Bahamas....the second...I haven't tried yet...hmmmmm thanks for the hint!