Chagall, they only one we saw...he is fantastic...
Modigliani, my sister says I look like this. I am not sure that is a compliment....or not. Hope my eyes look a little less blank.
Giant black lemons signifying....????? I liked them a lot though. Still not sure what he's talking about...when life hands you a bunch of black gigantic hard fiberglass lemons...make ?????
This is what I like about modern art though, it is fun to figure out the hooks and what the heck he's talking about.
Academics hocking....what? Papers? DVD's? CD's? Wanna buy a ...pass to the senior common room?
This would be my moto helmet if I needed one...
This is a totally brilliant take off from Degas' stunning, and probably familiar sculpture that you can see here. Seems she stepped off her pedestal for a smoke break...
Is it art or an accident??? Everyone carefully stepped around it...I am dying to know if it is glued down.....maybe some kid just dropped it and we aren't sure? The world, all packaged up for shipping and how we perceive our relationship to it? Us looming and gigantic, the world small, boxed in and helpless? Who KNOWS????
Someone has an issue with Nuking by chance? A wee bit obvious I think....
Need I say more?
Cool building...those are real plants!
Sorry, more later......
It's pretty difficult to get a spot on the Seine when you have one of those. Very difficult. And you have special complicated statuses regarding all the taxes and stuff. Good luck ;)
bah humbug....
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