Monday, February 27, 2012

am i tired or was that difficult? Que, estic cansada o aixó era difícil?

Today, well today....what can I say.  It was a beauty of a day.  Honestly, it was warm and sunny and lovely.  And I have to focus on that, and look at all the lovely things that happened.  Great creative ventures have been successfully put forth this month by my Godmother and an hmmm, uncle?   Partner of an Aunt?  Family member, let's go there.

Avui. Doncs, avui....que puc dir.  Un dia preciós.  Dic la veritat.  Calin feia sol, bonic.  i haig de pensar d'això.  Èxits brutals han surt aquest més per la meva padrina i mmmmm, el meu tiet?  El parell de la meva tieta?  Família?  sí, anim per allà.

It has, on the other had, been a rough one, with a fair amount of bad news and ugly scenes tossed into itI am going to think that my tiredness is a leftover from being ill, and not an internal weariness, because that will serve me better.  

Ha estat, per l'altre banda, un dia una mica dur, amb força de males noticies i escenes lleigs.  Estic pensant, amb determinació, que el son que porto es per culpa del malaltia he he tingut aviat i no un cansament interna.  Això em serviré millor.

And tomorrow, we can take a deep breathe and start again.  I demà, podem respira profundament i recomença de nova.

And maybe some changes are afoot.
I potser hi ha canvis arriben


thecatalanway said...

Oh my goodness all that is mysterious and a little worrying - changes? what? And sorry you had a bad day. This February is turning out a strange month for so many. Soon it will be March and we can be mad as hares!
I want to walk in the hills again soon - lets arrange a meetup and I will bring the fit dogs and a flask of coffee. Would be good to get out for a couple of hours and breathe some air and move some walking muscles.
Take care

Kate xx

oreneta said...

ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! I'll email you now.

elpadawan said...

Hope the good parts will counterbalance the bad ones, so that in the end, the day won't be so bad.

J.G. said...

A bit worried here, too. Sending good thoughts that the difficult stuff is just a passing shower.

Beth said...

It’s now tomorrow – hope you took that deep breath and things (and you) are well/better.
(I’d love to take a deep breath but this damn cold prevents it.)
Changes afoot? Hmm… I shall stay tuned.