Saturday, February 25, 2012

It was worth it...but only about once every 5 years. Valia la pena, però només un cop cada 5 anys.

As was pointed out to me (rather hilariously) in an email, I seem to have messed up the title to yesterdays post.  I would probably not feel as crappy today if I had indeed painted the town read.  Instead we painted it red.

Com algú m'ha ensenyat per email (en una manera força divertit), sembla que he fet el t'itol de ahir força malament.  En lloc de diu que hem pintat la ciutat vermell, que està un dit que vol dir que hem estat fora fent bon festa, he escrit que hem pintat la ciutat llegit.  No té tan de sentit.

I don't even drink alcohol, but the reality is that if I stay up till nearly four  the next day, it turns out, is rather a challenge.  Wake up with too little sleep.  Go to work, force brightness and repress crankiness.

Jo no bec alcohol, però per mi, la realitat és que si no vaig a dormir fins a les quatre, el pròxim dia és un bon repte.  Em desperto amb molt de son.  Vaig a treballar, amb un bon somriu enganxat a la meva cara i passant molts temps amb la boca ben tancat perquè em trobo força mala-llet.

Come home at 1ish.  Go to bed so tired that you don't eat anything.  Wake up around four WAY too cranky.  Eat.  Gritting your teeth over every step of the process.  Discover that it is a beautiful day and you have worked or slept your way through it all.  Argue with Eldest who also hasn't eaten lunch out of sheer laziness.

Torno a casa a la una.  Vaig a dormir tant cansant que no dino.  Em desperto un altre cop més o menys a les quatre amb molt de rabia.  Una rabia general.  Mengo.  Sense diuen res perquè estic tant enfadada.  Descobreixo que està un dia preciós i he passat quasi tot del dia treballant o dormint.  Barallo amb la Gran qui tampoc a dinat perquè la feia pal.

In the interest of your dental bills, gather a few deep breaths and move onwards.

Respiro molt profundament i vaig a un altre part del casa.

In all honesty, we had a fabulous night out with friends, and it was great, and I would do it again. In about a year.

De veritat, hem tingut un nit fantàstic, hem anat a un restaurant amb molt bona menjar, vam riure molt...era fabulós i ho faria sense dubte.  En un any, més o menys.

I'm too old.
Sóc massa gran. 

.....later........  I'm not too old it turns out, I'm too sick.
.....més tarde..... no sóc massa gran, en realitat, sóc massa malalta.  


thecatalanway said...

hi there i too was out of action for a couple of days and yesterday terrible migraine and sick. Too bad even to look at computer which menas very bad for me!
Sorry you had a bad day and hope you are better now and not having to grit teeth too much.
Yes, capthuks still there - still distorted and yes a little off putting when the head is aching but I will grit teeth and continue to comment with love k xx

oreneta said...

It's that time of year isn't it. Blech. I am mostly better today, just have no energy at all.....two days, more or less, without food knock it out of you...or at least me!