Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For what it is worth I have officially complained to google about the captchas.  There is that little 'send feedback' button on the bottom right in the new layout and I used it.  All of you with blogger blogs, if you complain too, maybe, just maybe, they'll give us an easier captcha to use....cause I find it brutal too, takes me at least 3 goes most times.

Per el que val, he queixat, oficialment, a blogger sobre la tema dels captches. Hi ha un butó petit allà cap a la cantonada a baix i a la dreta, ho he utilitzat.  Vosaltres qui teniu blocs de blogger, si queixeu també, potser, poootser, ens donaren un captcha més senzille d'utilitzar.  Els trobo fatal també.  Sempre haig d'intentar un mínim de tres cops.  Mínim.

Now, something more interesting.  Ara una cosa més interessant.

One of the difficulties with painting abstracts is that I sometimes wonder if I am painting background, that is simply waiting for a painting to be put over it.  Does that sound weird?  There are great paintings that are that way.  Sometimes, indeed often with mine, this indicates that they aren't finished yet.  But sometimes they are...and I still think that someone could slap a nice portrait in the center of that.

Un dels dificultats, trobo jo, amb pintant en abstracte és que de vegades, no estic segur que no estic pintant simplement la fonda.  Això, sona estrany?  Hi ha pintures, molt ben conegudes que són així.  De vegades, segurament, vol dir que encara no ho he acabat.  Però també hi són, acabats, i encara, penso que algú podria tirar un bon retrat a sobre el centre del meu pintura.

Kate, over at The Catalan Way sent me an email yesterday and the wonderful woman that she is, called me an artist in it!  GOT to love someone who does that....anyway, it has gotten me all inspired and I am painting up a storm (one must wonder why it is I am typing this...but paint must also be allowed to dry sometimes)

La Kate, de 'The Catalan Way' m'ha enviat un email i la dona tan fabulosa que és, m'ha anomenat una artista!  HAIG d'encantar una persona que ho fa....bé, ho m'ha posat inspirat i estic pintant com una boja aquí (potser preguntes com està que estic escrivint això, però la tinta ha de tenir temps per secar de vegades).

Sometimes the smallest things can set you going.  Wonderful isn't it.

Els coses molt petits pot ajudar molt.  Estupenda, no?


thecatalanway said...

Oh I am so touched and thrilled that you are back at the drawing board. Wish I could paint - I haven't yet got to background and foreground - just the question of how to avoid mud?
But I love drawing and one day soon will get back to my workbench and do a carving. Som-hi!

now I will fight past the brambles and high walls of the word ID which don't look too bad today!

Beth said...

Good for you! I’ll put my money where my mouth is (and my failing eyes are) and register a complaint, too.

Of course you’re an artist – I’ve always thought so.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

It is indeed.

J.G. said...

The captchas are clearly written for much younger people than me. Or maybe I am a robot. Either way, agree!

Agree on the artist thing, too! Inspiration is wonderful, isn't it?!

oreneta said...

They looked better for me today too, no alternating light and dark background anyway.....Ets un sol!

Beth, thank you very much!!!!

Hula, so true isn't it...sometimes something small makes such a difference.

JG, indeed, written for 10 year olds...inspiration is THE best.