Thursday, February 2, 2012

Snow day! Dia de neu!

I never thought I would have a snow day in Catalonia, but there it is.  Today there was one.

Mai he pensat que tindrem un dia de neu, un dia quan tanquen les escoles i llocs de treball, però avui...ho hem tingut.

We got maybe a cm of snow, as in 1 cm.  That's on the roofs and cars.  Nothing stayed on the ground at all.  Schools closed and my work shut down.  A lecture I wanted to attend also was shut down.  I have to say, that it was fine by me.

Potser hem tingut un cm de neu, vol di 1 cm.  A sobre les cotxes i sostres.  No quedava res als carres i al terra.  Les escoles tacaven, i el meu lloc de treball també.  Una xerrada que volia veure estava anul·lada també.  Sobretot, per mi, cap problema.

Hung out with my still sick kids, walked the dog, enjoyed an utterly snowless snow day.  A little weird, but nice.  My boss at one point asked if we would shut down in Canada for this.  I just looked at her.  What can I say. Clearly not.  That said, they were calling for more snow and if it had gone far enough below freezing the roads would have iced up and no one has winter tires here.

Passava temps amb les meves filles, encara malaltes, passejava el gos, i desfruitava un dia de neu absolutament sense neu.  Una mica estrany, però genial.  La meva cap m'ha preguntat si a Canadà tancarem les coles i tot per aquest quantitat de neu.  No he dit res, només la he donat un cop d'ull.  Que puc dir.  Clar que no.  Igualment, haig de dir que els meteoròlegs deia que tindrem més neu, i si les temperatures han baixat bastant, tot seria gelat, glaçat i ningu té pneumàtics d'hivern.

Now to get some painting down and see if I go in tomorrow.  I'd be surprised if I didn't.

Ara, pintaré i miraré si vaig a treballar demà.  Em sorprendre si no.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Wow, oh wow. I'm glad Riley didn't see this post - it's his fourth year at his school and he still hasn't lived through a declared "snow" day. Much to his disappointment. Mind you, there have been many days that should have been snow days but we are such tough nuts here that it has to be really extreme snow to lose a regular school day. My own personal theory is that there are so many flippin' pedagogical days that to declare a snow day would mean cancelling one of those precious "other" days off. But what fun for you! I can almost see your "look" at the person who asked if it would be a snow day in Canada!!!! Kind of like Snoopy doing his classic vulture stare! But me too, I'm still waiting for our first snow day. I fear we will have to move south to experience one of those, though. I heard that Kate had snow today too with more predicted for tomorrow.

Beth said...

What? No pictures of the snow??

Hope you get another "snow day" (ha!) - also hope the girls are feeling better soon.

elpadawan said...

What? Giant lockdown for 1cm? That's... strange... At least, in Paris, they don't close everything for 1cm. You get monster traffic jams, but you don't close shop... :D

J.G. said...

Just what you needed! Sounds like everyone was ready for an excuse to play hooky. The unexpected aspect makes it even better.

Hope you got some painting done as planned.

thecatalanway said...

glad you enjoyed your day off - i can't imagine having a non-snowy snow day in the uk either - it really has to be blizzards. i think all non catalan people felt amazed by how quickly everyone assumed it was a day off.
your kids are still sick? poor them and poor you. hope everyone feels spring in their steps soon

k x

thecatalanway said...

one other thing I've been meaning to say is - have you ever thought of getting rid of word identification? i haven't had one for ages and i never get spam - the blogger wall seems very effective. it does slow up making comments and i know some bloggers who get unimaginable numbers of comments every day - 50 or more - and also don't use it so i don't know if it's really necessary. (hope this doesn't sound interfering - just a thought:))
k xx

Boo and Trev said...

Excellent. If you have a snow day for hardly any snow then at least the local children who hardly ever get to see it can have a good play in it.
I can imagine your look, though. We are having a "drought" here in the East of England. However, if I mention our drought to colleagues from Africa or Australia you can see them clearly trying not to laugh while remembering it raining almost every day of the summer holiday. I suppose everything is relative