Haig de confessar que estic alguns dies tard amb això, però no passa res, i segurament, no sóc gaire romàntic.
For the rest of this to make sense, you have to go and watch this. I will say that Vimeo is rather irritating and won't let you jump ahead in the video, and if you want to turn of the HD, which I did as I was getting buffering problems, it makes you start all over again, so I'd take the HD off to start with, you really don't need it.
Si no vas aquí a veure la vídeo (em sap greu, però està en anglès. No n'hi ha molt de dialogue), la reste no tindrà sentit. Et diré que Vimeo em molesta una mica, no et deixa saltar en el vídeo, i si vols tancar el HD has de recomençar de zero, per això et recomano que tanquis el HD abans de començar perquè no el necessites.
OK, did you watch it? I know it was 15 min, but still. Were you surprised at the end?
I have to say I wasn't and I was. It was a very California crowd, and 7 people is a very long way from being statistically robust, but there is still some interesting ideas that can emerge from this. First is that the first and second place finishers were both outside of the strong times of hormonal surges. I found that interesting. I was also wondering if the youngest or the oldest would win, and I have to admit that I wasn't sure which. The elder members would certainly have had a very strong depth of love and emotion to call on and call up, but they young, and I do remember this, can feel things with such intensity. I do remember that so clearly. The searing purity of emotion when you're young.
D'acord, ho has mirat? Jo sé que és 15 minutes, però... T'has trobat sorpreses?
Haig de dir que jo no m'he trobat gaire sorpresa. Era un grup molt de Califòrnia, i set persones està molt lluny d'un grup que té validesa estadísticament, però alguns ideàs interessants han sortit. La primera està que els que acabava en primer i segona estan tots dos fora del temporada dels hormones molt fortes. Ho trobava molt interessant. També estava rumiant si el més petit o el més gran guanyara, i haig de dir que no estava gens segur. Els més grans tindran un profunditat d'experiència i emoció, però els joves, i ho recordo jo, poden sentir amb un intensitat. Això ho recordo molt clarament. Està un puritat d'emoció que crema quan era jove.
I did find it interesting the blurring that the hormonal surge seemed to have, but that could also be more a sense of discomfort with the topic as all the people in their 20 − 30s were single and so the emotions may well have been rather more mixed than the laser clarity of the young or the sunken security of the older.
M'he trobat interessant l'efecte quasi difuminat del pujada dels hormones, però això podria ser més la resultat d'un cert incomoditat amb la tema perquè tots els gens qui tenen entre 20 i 30 anys estaven solteres i llavors, els seus emocions podrien ser més barrejades en comparació del claredat com una laser del jove o el seguretat ben atrinxerat dels grans.
On another topic, I tried taking off the captcha...sorry folks, spam everywhere. I put it back on after about 6 hours. Blame the spambots.
Per un altre tema, he intentat treure el captcha, i em sap molt de greu però he tingut spam per tot el reu. L'he tornat a posar desprès de 6 hores. Els spambots són els culpables.
Not surprised at the winner but somewhat surprised at second place - and wondering who came in third!
that was great - thanks for putting it here. it made me think that perhaps meditating on love feelings regularly could be interesting. not just feeling it when it comes up. they all felt so good after just five minutes of focussing.
what a lovely couple - nice to know there are people who have no dramas in life - i am envious but also glad for them.
the little boy was great - i wasn't surprised he was second. he seemed pure.
it was a pity they didn't have more people who are in loving situations. some of those were a bit strange. clearly it's not simple to feel just love for someone who has left you.
the other thing - did you mean you tried without the word thing? I must just be lucky as I never get any spam - it gets netted by blogger and discarded by me.
anyway, hope all are better in your house. i now have fluey/cold and am staying inside till better. k x
ps the wordy thing is now the one that is almost impossible to read - wasn't the other one just a word in clear writing? EEEK perhaps it's my age
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