Friday, February 17, 2012

Well, the girls both went to school all morning. Doncs, les nenes han anat, totes dues, a cole per tot el matí.

On top of that, they returned home happy and cheerful, not nearly dead.

I a sobre, han tornat a casa contentes i genials, no quasi mortes com els altres dies.

Hmmm, it was a deeply pleasant, but rather unexceptional day.  I went for a run, and I was bad, but not as bad  as I thought I'd be, my butt didn't hurt afterwards, and I was glad.  I got my hair cut, and it looks fine-good.  I've yet to see what it really looks like. They really straightened my hair and I haven't washed it since I left the hairdresser as I have dry hair.  I'd washed it after running, then they washed it twice and then dried it with a drier, wasn't sure it could stand another washing.

Doooooncs, he tingut un dia profundament plaent, però no estava un dia amb moltes incidències.  He anat corrent, i no he corregut bé, però no tan malament com pensava i el meu cull no m'ha fet mal i estic contenta.  He tallat els cabells, i sembla bé.  No sé com quedaré de debò perquè m'ha planxat i no ho he rentat des de quan he marxat del perruquer perquè tinc cabells molt seques.  Ho he rentat desprès de córrer, els perruquers ho ha rentat dos cops i han utilitzat una assecadora i no estava segur que podria aguantar si ho rento un altre cop.

What else.  I drew.  I wrote one of the most boring blog posts of all time....what can I say, it's Friday night, we have a four day weekend coming up (though in fact I work tomorrow), I'm sitting by the fire and all is good.

Què més?  He dibuixat.  He escrit un dels penjats d'un bloc més avorrit del mon....ho sento, està divendres, tenim un pont (encara que treballo demà), estic seguda a costat del foc i tot està molt bé.

Espero que tinguis un molt bon cap de setmana.

Hope you have a great weekend.


Beth said...

Well, my butt IS sore! Pool class last night after a one week hiatus and just about everything is sore. Do you get out of shape even faster as you age?
Happy weekend to ya!

thecatalanway said...

hi there wondering how you were bad when runnng?
nothing boring there - sometimes we just need to check in.
i can't write as i am home all the time waiting for this bug to depart. well i could write about some things but i keep falling asleep and i'm in one of those who cares anyway moods.
do you wash your hair after the hairdressers? i try to avoid washing for days after as i know i'll never get it so well blow dried again.
well, hope you have a good weekend - are you doing something for carnival? kx

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

I will say I have long weekend envy. We had a ped-day here, which meant I got to spend extra time with Riley. But after an extremely stressful day yesterday and an almost sleepless night last night, I have just been sleep walking through this day. I am loving reading your posts in Catalan. And my hat is off to you for writing them. As for hair, I have always suffered greasy hair and so am less sympathetic about dry hair but can only imagine multiple blow-dries for any type of hair. Weekend heads up here!

oreneta said...

Goodness, I do wonder about that, I think that the answer is yes, and it's harder to get into shape too.

Kate, bad when running means plodding and slow as opposed to feeling fast and like thistledown (I wildly exaggerate, I never feel like thistledown, but I do sometimes feel fast and it's nice). Hope the bug departs soon....I normally shower when I get back cause I'm all kind of full of picky bits of hair, but this guy's good and I usually have no itchiness, though he usually puts in so much gel and spray that I have to take it out....this time though, no they just dried it suuuuper straight - planxat - and so I left it.

Weekends rule, thank goodness for them. Hope you enjoy yours!!!!