Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A day of good news Un dia de bones notícies

And thank goodness for it too.  I moltes gràcies també.

The first bit of good news, and very good it was, is that Eldest's citizenship papers for Spain have come through.  Well, not exactly, this is still Spain, but the computer has registered her as a citizen and now we just have to wait on the letter telling us to pick up the papers, and then we will go DIRECTLY, do not pass go, do not collect $200 to the various police stations and get her DNI and Passport.  Strike while the iron is HOT.

La primera bona noticía està que la nacionalitat d'Espanya de la Gran està fet.  Bé, no completament, per l'ordinador, l'advocat ha vist que ja està una Espanyola, ara estem esperant la carta amb la cita per anar al registre civil pels documents, després, DIRECTAMENT anirem al Policia Nacional per la seva DNI i Passaport.  Hi ha un dit en anglès que diu que has de dona el cop quan el ferro està calin.  Vol dir fer coses ràpidament i eficientment i a l'hora que crida.  No t'esperi o perdi l'oportunitat.

The second really good bit of news had to do with work, and is indeed good news.  Can't go into more, but it is good and big-ish.  Plus I got another class, only 45 min a week, but still.....

La segona molt bona notícia està per a on treballo, i està un bona notícia de debò.  No ho puc explicar, però està bé i força gran.  També, tinc un altre classe, només de 45 minutes, però.....

Another really good bit of news, or hopeful news is some great news on the housing for the summer.  We have a lead on a place that could hopefully solve our housing problem this year very pleasantly and inexpensively.  YEAH for that and fingers crossed indeed.

Un altre molt bona notícia està, bé, notícia amb esperança, és que tenim un bon possibilitat per un lloc per viure aquest estiu, en Canadà.  Amb una mica de sort, podem solucionar tot en una manera molt agradable i no gaire car.  Fantàstic!  I creus els dits, d'acord?

That's the really good bits and I am focusing hard on those.  That's my plan.  OH!  And I feel great.  Good news indeed.
Aquests són els parts molt bons, i estic ben enfocat amb aquests.  El meu plan.  OH!  I trobo molt i molt bé.  Una final bona notícia, no?.


Beth said...

Glad you’re feeling better.
And you’re so right – it’s always best to focus on the good news and to be grateful there is some.

J.G. said...

Sounds like the worm is turning for you. (I have no idea what that actually means, but it's a saying around here.)

Now, maybe something will happen with the captcha, too?

elpdawan said...

Congrats for the paperwork! This calls for a celebration, I suppose :). Glad things are getting better

thecatalanway said...

Great! And good about the work - do you have time for another job??

Does that mean Eldest has dual nationality - how exciting.

See you soon K x

PS captchuk awful today:( hope this gets through