1. Took WAY too much food and then had to haul it and it was HEAVY. Do not do this again.
Portava MOLT massa de menjar i pesava molt. No ho faig un altre vegada.
2. Take lots of dog food, his Chuckiness had three helpings and could probably had a fourth
Haig de porta molt de menjar per en Chuck. Ha menjat tres racions i deu voler més.
3. When planning snacks, consider that I will probably share with the dog, hence the chocolate (poison to dogs) covered digestives were not a good idea, also they weight a freaking ton.
Quan compro coses per pica picant, compro menja que puc repartir amb el gos...per això, el digestius tapat amb xocolate (els gossos no ho pot menjar) no eren ideal i pesaven molt.
4. Brought the ipod, didn't use it, but might have if there were much farther to go.
Portava el ipod però ho l'he utilitzat. Haig de dir que si anava molt més lluny, podria ser útil.
5. My sense of direction continues to surprise me, I am pretty good at this (on a clear day in an area I basically know)
El meu sentit de direcció em sorprendre, tinc un cert facilitat (quan no hi ha boire i conec la zona)
6. There is no such thing as wilderness in this part of Spain
No hi ha cap mena de zona que pots anomenar salvatge per el meu part d'Espanya.
7. The number of (exclusively male) cyclists that burst around every corner increases proportionally with my need to find a quiet bush behind which I can have a pee.
El numero de (100% mascle) persones amb bicicletes que surten per cada cantonada incrementar proporcionalment amb el meu necessitat per trobar un arbust en un lloc tranquil per fer un pipi!
8. Days with heavy cloud cover make for better walking, especially as I still haven't got a straw hat.
Dies molt enuvolat estan millor per caminar, especialment perquè encara no tinc una gorra de palla.
9. Sunday mornings are VERY BUSY
Diumenge al matí, els muntanyes estan a tope
10. Chuck ignores nearly every cyclist, then one goes by that just HAS to be chased. Honestly, at least 100 cyclists passed us, both directions, different speeds, but one was evil.
En Chuck no li fa cas quasi tots els ciclistes, fins que un passa que HA de perseguir. És veritat, un mínim de 100 bicicletes ens han passat amb diferents velocitats i de totes les direccions, però un? Un era malvat.
11. Most pain goes away if you ignore it. Just think of something else and suddenly you realise that that particular muscle, toe, knee, etc etc no longer hurts.
Quasi sempre, si tens dolor i no li fa cas, se'n va. Simplement pensar d'un altre cosa i, de seguida, trobaràs que aquest muscle o dit de peu o genoll etc etc ja no et fa mal.
12. Heavy road camber makes knees sore.
Quan el carrer té molt de baixada a les dues bandes (per temes d'aigua), fa mal els genolls.
13. I wore everything I brought, including the wooly hat at one point or another, except the spare t-shirt. No rain!!!!
Posava TOT que portava inclòs una gorra de llana en un moment o un altre, falta la samarreta de manigües curtes de recanvie. No ha plogut!
14. Chuck is very tired.
En Chuck està ben cansat.
Chuck is tired? What about you?!!
Buy the straw hat!
Next time, no need to bring the whole ham with you, I suppose :D.
I was tired too, and I'll buy the hat on Wed....
ElP, it is one way to make sure Chuck stays with me though....and every other dog we encounter!
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